【逛吃廣州美食】老廣吃貨必吃!200元/兩!粵菜頂級食材!米芝蓮餐廳!每年限量7天!禮雲子!廣州番禺區化龍鎮!腰記飯店!柚皮炆魚腸!Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

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#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州漫步 #廣州美食 #探店

Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/TJp5my562kv7FLPy6
BAIDU map:https://j.map.baidu.com/9a/H_M
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵4號線 新造站 A出口
餐廳消費:禮雲子(50克)¥200 泥蝦蒸立魚(稱重350克+10元泥蝦)¥52 蓮藕粉(小份)¥45 柚皮炆魚腸(小份)¥40 乾迫雞(半隻)¥69 白米飯一個¥3 茶位2人¥6

🚀【蝦蝲膏 -- 泥蝦(涂蝦、土蝦)】


🚀【龍津路美食掃街指南 - 稀有小食】


🚀【北京路茶樓推薦 - 塗鴉街】


又名“蟛蜞”,學名“相手蟹”,由於習慣橫行,偶爾直行時兩隻前螯合抱,一步一叩首,搖搖擺擺,彬彬有禮,猶似古人行禮作揖狀。 故文人老饕以古文“禮雲禮雲,玉帛雲乎哉”句,為之取雅名“禮雲”。

禮雲的卵子自然就有了一個錦缎般的名字:禮雲子。 尤以番禺所產,最為上乘。 此美食高蛋白高脂肪。 在廣東廣州地區流行,指只用蟛蜞籽做成的醬料。


“蝦蝲”與“蟛蜞”有所區別。“蟛蜞”,形厚殼硬螯壯,外地人是不會拿來製作菜式的。 而“蝦蝲”和“蟛蜞”外形相似,但形稍扁,殼稍軟薄,螯稍幼細。


化龍鎮隸屬於廣東省廣州市番禺區,地處番禺區東北部,東鄰石樓鎮,南鄰石碁鎮,西鄰新造鎮、南村鎮,北隔珠江與黃埔區相望,區域總面積53.73平方千米。 化龍鎮屬半丘陵半沙田地帶,西高東低; 沖積平原佔60%,其餘為低丘台地。 截至2020年末,化龍鎮常住人口68958人。


Also known as the cockroach, the scientific name is "PengQi", due to the habit of rampant, occasionally go straight when the two front chelates together, step by step kowtow, swaying, polite, just like the ancients saluted as a shape. Therefore, the literati gluttony took the ancient sentence "Liyun Liyun, Jade Silk Cloud Huzai" and named it "Liyun".

Li Yunzi:
Liyun's eggs naturally have a brocade-like name: Liyunzi. Especially produced in Panyu, it is the best. This dish is high in protein and fat. Popular in Guangzhou, Guangdong, refers to a sauce made only from "PengQi" eggs.

"XiaLa" is the local name of one of the small crabs given to the farmers of Shatian Town, Dongguan City and the citizens of Guangzhou.

The difference between "XiaLa"and "PengQi":
There is a difference between "XiaLa" and "PengQi". "PengQi", with its thick shell and hard chela, will not be used by outsiders to make dishes. "XiaLa" is similar in appearance, but the shape is slightly flattened, the shell is slightly softer, and the chela is slightly thinner.

Waist Kee Hotel:
Opened in 1980, it was selected as a "Bib Gourmand" by the Michelin Guide in Guangzhou in 2023.

Hualong Town:
Hualong Town belongs to Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, located in the northeast of Panyu District, adjacent to Shilou Town in the east, Shiqi Town in the south, Xinzao Town and Nancun Town in the west, and Huangpu District across the Pearl River in the north, with a total area of 53.73 square kilometers. Hualong Town is a semi-hilly and semi-sandy area, high in the west and low in the east; Alluvial plains account for 60%, and the rest are low hills and terraces. As of the end of 2020, Hualong Town has a permanent population of 68,958 people.


00:00 Intro
00:26 腰記飯店
01:20 化龍鎮公園
04:00 腰記飯店
04:31 菜單
07:14 品嚐菜式
13:06 結賬/交通路線
15:03 Ending


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