簡單易做!豪華多層次美式甜點|酥酥藍莓奶油起司咖啡蛋糕Blueberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake with Streusel Topping

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)



藍莓 120 g


中筋麵粉 90 g
糖 75 g
無鹽奶油 35 g
酸奶油 60 g
蛋 1 顆
泡打粉 1/4 小匙
小蘇打粉 1/8 小匙
鹽 1/8 小匙


奶油乳酪 115 g
糖 25 g
蛋 1 顆


無鹽奶油 25 g
黑糖 25 g
中筋麵粉 45 g


This cake is ridiculously luxury! There is not only amazing streusel on the top, but also flavorful fresh blueberry and cream cheese filling! I even don’t know which part is my favorite because they are so balanced and perfectly matched to each other. The better thing is, it’s not hard to make at all. Every layer only needs few and common ingredients, most of steps is stirring and mixing. Easy and fantastic!
:Video Recipe:

blueberry, 120g

○Cake Batter

all purpose flour, 90 g
sugar, 75 g
unsalted butter, 35 g
sour cream, 60g
egg, 1 ct
baking powder, 1/4 tsp
baking soda, 1/8 tsp
salt, 1/8 tsp

○Cream Cheese Filling

cream cheese, 115 g
sugar, 25 g
egg, 1 ct

○Streusel Topping

unsalted butter, 25 g
brown sugar, 25 g
all purpose flour, 45 g


●Making the Streusel
1. Add brown sugar into the bowl with all purpose flour. Mix them well.
2. Melt the butter over a low heat.
3. Add 25 g melted butter into the flour mixture.
4. Toss them into a crumb mixture with a fork.
5. Add a pinch of salt. Mix them well.
6. Transfer it to the fridge.

●Making the Batter
7. In a mixing bowl, add sugar.
8. Add the rest of melted butter.
9. Mix them well.
10. Add an egg. Mix them well.
11. Add sour cream or Greek yogurt. Mix them well.
12. Add flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
13. Gently fold in until just combined.
14. Add half blueberries.
15. Gently fold and stir the mixture.

●Making the Filling
16. Whisk softened cream cheese to smooth.
17. Add sugar. Mix them well.
18. Add an egg. Mix them well.

●Preheating the Oven to 350℉/ 180℃
19. Brush a thin layer of butter inside the baking pan.
20. Add the cake batter and spread out evenly.
21. Pour the cream cheese filling. Spread out evenly.
22. Place the remaining blueberries.
23. Press down remaining blueberries on the top.
24. Take out the chilled streusel and crumble it again.
25. Top with all the crumbs.
26. Spread out the crumbs evenly.
27. Transfer into the preheated oven.
28. Bake it for 40 min at 350°F/ 180°C

◆ 40 min. later ◆
29. Cake is done when a pick inserted and comes out clean.
30. Slightly cool down and then remove from the baking pan.
31. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
32. Enjoy the cake with a cup of hot coffee!




◆FB粉絲專頁:心心 Xinxin

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