
2024!中國新年!廣州!荔灣行花街!傳統美食!伍湛記!40年老店!3人消費90元!老城區!市場買菜!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!4K!平民美食!大排長龍!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

3 個月前
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#廣州 #旅遊 #美食

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/yrsYgbaKLWC46XgDA
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/16/D53
餐厅消费:雞粥 ¥15,牛雜麵 ¥20,鹹煎餅 ¥5,牛腩豬腸粉 ¥22,豬紅湯 ¥12


廣州花市是廣州每年一度於新年春節前舉辦的年宵市場,供市民購買賀年年花及各式用品。 廣州人喜歡把“花市”稱作“花街”,逛花市就叫“行花街”。 舊日行花街男性與富裕者居多,富貴人家會揀選好 最大最美的“花魁”,附上有買家名號的紅紙條,以示入手與身份。

它是三元及第粥的簡稱,是一款傳統的名牌小點心。 西關地區的「及第粥」以伍湛記較為出名,伍湛記及第粥已有40多年歷史,始創者為順德人伍湛,老店原來在廣州文昌南路文昌橫街口。 經過兩個世代的精心烹飪,伍湛記的及第粥成了廣州人喜歡的著名粥品。
80年代末,伍湛記曾經在寶華路有分店,人來人往,十分興旺。 以前的裝潢就十分簡單,沒有那麼講究,但伍湛記依然常年人頭湧湧,可見西關人對其及第粥極為喜愛。 其實及第粥有個很動聽的傳說,相傳有位秀才上京赴考,其妻怕他路途遙遠挨餓,專門把肉丸豬肝等飽肚的材料放在一起煲粥,秀才十分感動,最終 摘得狀元桂冠衣錦還鄉,把這種粥命名為“及第粥”,由於裡面有肉丸、豬肚、豬肝等,又稱為“三元及第粥”。 後人紛紛效尤,在西關地區逐漸演變為,學生在高考前一晚吃及第粥,以求「狀元及第」的好意頭。 及第粥以伍湛記最出名,每當高考前夜,伍湛記的人潮可想而知,可見及第粥的傳說和伍湛記的威名影響深遠。
除了粥品,「伍湛記」還有招牌小吃———德昌樓的鹹煎餅。 德昌鹹煎餅是德昌樓的電信師傅譚藻在1938年創製的,「伍湛記」的德昌鹹煎餅是出自譚藻師傅的徒弟之手,其味道和以前的德昌樓的並沒有 區別。 堅持譚師傅的製作方式,加入南乳、熟油搽粉,發酵20分鐘再加上芝麻,雖然看似簡單但搽粉的過程和油炸是的溫度都是相當講究的,炸出來的鹹煎餅 金香酥脆,南乳十分惹味,不會太鹹,也夠味道。
The Guangzhou Flower Market is a New Year's Eve market held every year in Guangzhou before the New Year and the Spring Festival, where citizens can buy New Year flowers and various supplies. Guangzhou people like to call the "flower market" "Flower Street", and visiting the flower market is called "Flower Street". In the old days, most of the people on Flower Street were men and wealthy people. Rich families would select the largest and most beautiful "oiran" and attach a red note with the name of the buyer to show their purchase and identity.

It is the abbreviation of Sanyuanjidi porridge and is a traditional famous brand snack. The "Jidi Porridge" in Xiguan area is more famous for Wu Zhanji. Wu Zhanji Ji Di Porridge has a history of more than 40 years. The founder is Wu Zhan, a native of Shunde. The old shop was originally located at the intersection of Wenchang Hengjie, Wenchang South Road, Guangzhou. After two generations of careful cooking, Wu Zhanji’s Jidi porridge has become a famous porridge favored by Guangzhou people.
In the late 1980s, Wu Zhanji once had a branch on Baohua Road, which was very prosperous with people coming and going. The previous decoration was very simple and not so elaborate, but Wu Zhanji is still crowded with people all year round, which shows that Xiguan people love Jidi Porridge very much. In fact, there is a very beautiful legend about Jidi porridge. It is said that a scholar went to Beijing to take the exam. His wife was afraid that he would starve during the long journey, so she specially put meatballs, pork liver and other filling ingredients together to make porridge. The scholar was very moved, and finally After winning the title of No.1 Scholar and returning home in glory, he named this porridge "Jidi Porridge". Because it contained meatballs, pork belly, pork liver, etc., it was also called "Sanyuan Jidi Porridge". Later generations followed suit, and in the Xiguan area, it gradually evolved into the practice of students eating Jidi porridge the night before the college entrance examination in order to gain the goodwill of "taking the top spot". Jidi Porridge is most famous for Wu Zhanji. On the eve of the college entrance examination, Wu Zhanji's crowds of people can be imagined. It can be seen that the legend of Jidi Porridge and the prestige of Wu Zhanji have far-reaching influence.
In addition to porridge, "Wu Zhanji" also has a signature snack - Dechanglou's salty pancakes. Dechang salty pancakes were created in 1938 by Tan Zao, the telecommunications master of Dechang House. The Dechang salty pancakes of "Wu Zhanji" were made by Master Tan Zao's apprentice, and their taste is not the same as that of the previous Dechang House. the difference. Adhering to Master Tan’s method of making, add southern milk, cooked oil and flour, ferment for 20 minutes and add sesame seeds. Although it seems simple, the process of flouring and frying temperature are very particular, and the fried pancakes will be salty. Golden and crispy, the southern milk is very flavourful, not too salty but full of flavor.


00:00 Intro
00:44 闊別三年/荔灣路花市重開
03:56 小朋友販賣農曆新年禮物/花市嘉年華
09:43 鮮花價格合理/道路較寬/遊客樂而忘返
25:00 龍津路市場買菜/人山人海/買年貨
30:57 伍湛記/晚餐/雞粥/牛雜麵/鹹煎餅/牛腩豬腸粉/豬紅湯
41:20 Ending
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