

2 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
クレジット:A. Cruz-Osorio, L. Rezzolla (University Frankfurt, Germany)

General Relativistic-Magnetohydrodynamic and Radiative-Transfer simulations of accretion onto SgrA*

​​The movie starts with zoom in and the evolution of 3D simulation, showing the accretion disc, jet, and Kerr black hole, followed by a GRRT image at 230 GHz. This second part shows time evolution where the variation of images is due to the plasma evolution, change of image with inclination angle, and blurred images using telescope resolution. Finally, the movie ends with a zoom-out of the rendered GRMHD simulation.
Credit: A. Cruz-Osorio, L. Rezzolla (University Frankfurt, Germany)

#ブラックホール #いて座A* #EHT
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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