
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
大王见到外婆家的鹅,想和牠玩却被吓到躲进水沟里 Dawang trying to play with goose, but he was scared to hide in the ditch
过年时带大王去外婆家载年猪,大王见着外婆家的鹅就是一阵兴奋想和他玩,没想到才上前就反被凶跑了🤣 During the Chinese New Year, I took Dawang to my grandmother's house to carry the pig. When Dawang saw the goose at my grandmother's house, he was excited and
大王和小跟班的快递初体验,回程路上还不忘偷玩水 Dawang and the sidekick go to delivery, jump into the pond when they bac
阿太接到了电话说得去拿包裹,于是大王带着他的小跟班出发,虽然回程又被水池吸引,不过认务还是圆满达成~🤪 Grandma got the call said she need to get her package, so Dawang departure with his sidekick. although he was attracted by the pond when they back, but t
大王陪主人去给牛哥送食物,却在牛哥吃饭时生气不让吃 Dawang deliver food to the Cow, but he gets angry when a cow is eating
大王这小伙明明就对蚕豆没兴趣,牛哥在吃饭却在一旁生气的大呼小叫不让吃~🤣 Dawang is obviously not interested in broad beans, but he gets angry and yelled at the side when cow is eating~🤣 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,這裡是我和大王的新頻道,如
不速之客来家里大王不开心,气完跳进池塘玩水被骂了 Dawang'rage! hostile guest coming! he was been blaming after jump into
大王看见和自己长的像的朋友来家里,气呼呼的还凶人家,巡视完牛哥这小伙还顺便跳进池塘里消气了呢~😒 When Dawang saw the new friend who looked like him coming to the house, he was furious and he was angry. After the inspection of cow, he jumped into the pond
大王幸福的一天:在云南美景里奔跑后回家洗个舒服的澡 Dawang's happy day: running in the great view of Yunnan and take a bat
大王今天出门当模特跑起来的样子特别好看,但好好的路不走偏要跑去土堆里,果然是熟悉的捣蛋专家~🤣 Dawang looks very good when he goes out to run as a model today, but he always choose the dirt to run not the road, troublemaker : conform! ~🤣 大家好!我是滇西
大王和爸爸讨零食吃,吃一个嫌不够开始捣蛋乱咬纸箱 Dawang ask Dad for snacks but he is been naughty and bite the box want
爸爸整理零食的时后,大王在一旁看似想帮忙,但我们都知道他心理想着的只是讨块零食吃~🤣 When Dad was sorting out the snacks, Dawang seemed to want to help, but we all know that all he was thinking about was ask for a snack~🤣 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的
调皮大王在草堆中翻滚捣乱,拿棍子赶他却被咬走不还 Naughty Dawang made trouble again! snatched the stick that drive away h
一看到大王躺下去的瞬间我就知道不妙,下一秒平叔拿起棍子就赶,这时只好和金毛一样站在一旁偷笑~🤣 As soon as I saw Dawang lying down, I knew it was not good. The next second, Uncle Ping picked up the stick and drive him away. At this time, I had to stand a
回家路上带了只狗狗回家,威风的大王收了小跟班 Dawang brought a dog on the way home, and Dawang have a little sidekick
这天大王回家身後跟了只小狗回来,可能是看大王威风便跟着他想一起玩,但大王却老是兇人家,这样下去会没有朋友的呀大王!😳 This day, Dawang came home with a puppy behind him. Maybe he wanted to play with Dawang when he saw his cool style, but Dawang was show h
目睹晚餐被金毛偷吃的大王,跑去向妈妈告状后气到睡着 Dawang saw his dinner stolen by GinMao, he complain to mom and fell as
这天大王走进院子看见金毛正在偷吃他的晚餐,敢怒不敢言的大王竟然跑去向妈妈告状,结果还是气到不行直接在楼梯上睡着了~🤣 One day, Dawang walked into the yard and saw that GinMao was stealing his dinner. Dawang dared not to say anything, ran to complain to mo
平时总跟大王打闹的邻居家金毛,是玩伴也是最好的朋友 GinMao who always fight with Dawang but he is a playmate and a best fr
相信喜欢大王的盆友们也看过他俩打闹的视频,但朋友不就是如此,有时打打闹闹吵吵架,但还是彼此最好的朋友~🤣 I believe that you guys who love Dawang have also seen the video of the two of them fighting, but this isn't friends looks like? Sometimes we fight or
当最疼大王的奶奶,发现大王一个人在家看门的反应 What's the reaction when grandma finds that Dawang is alone at home?
这天要和阿霞出远门去赶集,于是留大王在家里看门,最心疼大王的奶奶回家后,看到大王饿了马上就喂他吃面包,难怪大王最喜欢腻在奶奶身边了~😊 This day, I was going to the market far away with Axia, so I left Dawang to guard the house at home. When the grandma
平时天不怕地不怕的大王,听见鞭炮声吓的躲进草丛里不敢动 Dawang heard the sound of firework and hide in the bush scared to mo
村里的小孩因为过年了一直在放鞭炮,平时天不怕地不怕的王王,却听见鞭炮声吓的躲进草丛里害怕的不敢出来了~😥 The kids in the village have been setting off fireworks because of the Chinese New Year. Wang Wang, who is usually afraid of nothing, this time he sc
肮脏的大王硬要睡在豌豆上,赖着不走像个任性的小孩 The filthy Dawang insists to stay on peas, lying there like a wayward k
王宝宝你脚脏就别睡在豌豆上,这豌豆是要拿来吃的,不是让你拿来睡的呀!😩 Baby Wang, if your feet are dirty, don't sleep on peas. These peas are for eating, not for sleeping! 😩 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,這裡是我和大王的新頻道,如果你也喜欢
大王咬着水管左甩右晃,扭腰摆臀的姿态超可爱 Dawang is biting the water pipe and shaking it, twerk his hips is super cu
整理水管到一半大王走过来想帮忙(实则捣乱),咬着水管甩来甩去像跳舞~🤣 Halfway through tidying up the water pipe, Dawang came over and wanted to help (actually made trouble), biting the water pipe and tossing it around like a dance~🤣 大家好!我是滇西小哥,
比主人还巨大的大王受困田里,费尽全身力气才帮他脱困 Dawang was trapped in the field! how hard to hug the dog bigger than a
这天大王跑去田里玩耍,但他没想过该怎么上来,于是花了九牛二虎之力才帮他爬上去~🤣 Today, Dawang ran to the field to play, but he didn't think about how to get up, so it took a lot of effort to help him climb up~🤣 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,
替大王洗今年的第一次澡,洗完澡变帅气后到处去炫耀 Take the first shower of this year for Dawang, and he show off everywhe
新年一到,打算来替脏兮兮的大王洗今年第一次澡,没想到他洗完就蹦蹦跳跳到处去炫耀~🤣 When the new year arrives, I decide to take the first bath of this year for the dirty Dawang. I didn’t expect him to bounce around to show off after shower~🤣 大家好!我是
大王化身一日小卖舖老板,收钱顾店样样难不倒他 Dawang becomes the owner of a shop today, nothing can trouble him
大王是个贴心的宝宝,让爸爸放心出门逛街,把小卖铺看守得好好的还会帮忙收钱~真乖~😍 Dawang is a caring baby, so he can go out shopping without worry, keep the shop well guarded, and help collect the money~ really good~😍 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南
全世界最幸福的狗狗,是被全家人都疼爱着的大王 Dawang is the happiest dog in the world, becuz he been loved by whole fam
每到全家人团圆的时后,大王就会转来转去讨疼爱,这时的他就是最幸福的狗狗了~🥰 Every time when the whole family is reunited, Dawang will run up and down to ask for love. At this time, he is the happiest dog~🥰 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,這裡
逛完市集回家发现骨头被偷吃,大王躺在地上生闷气 after shopping and back home, Dawang sulking becuz his bones been steal
家里的糖没了所以带着大王去市集上采买,回家的时后发现小黑跑来家里偷吃骨头,大王不高兴地躺在地上生起闷气~😳 The sugar at home was empty, so I took Dawang to the market to buy it. When we back home, I found that Blackie came to the house to steal the bones