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澎湖旅遊Ep2|跳島之旅|七美島|東吉島|南方四島|藍洞|雙心石滬|小台灣|阿真冰店|東吉嶼燈塔|日軍遺跡|Penghu Tourism|Qimei Island|Dongji Island
Qimei Island is an island located at the southernmost tip of the Penghu Islands in Taiwan. Also known as Qimei Island, formerly known as Lantau Island. [1] It is also the second highest island in the Penghu Islands. Dongji Island (Taiwanese: Tong-kiat
Penghu County is the only outlying island county in Taiwan Province of the Republic of China. It is located in the Taiwan Strait and consists of the Penghu Islands. It faces Yunlin County and Chiayi County on the main island of Taiwan by the Penghu W
新竹景點:山上人家森林農場|森林咖啡館|清泉吊橋|張學良故居|將軍湯|鵝公髻山登山口|Hsinchu Attractions|Taiwan travel
Shanshangrenjia Forest Farm is located at an altitude of 1,200 meters near the Daai Bailan Leisure Agriculture Area, covering an area of 5 hectares. There are farmers planting peaches, plums, persimmons and high-cold organic vegetables near the park. Th
苗栗景點:觀霧國家森林遊樂區|雲霧步道|聖稜線|雪霸休閒農場|雲海咖啡廳|繡球花滿開|Guanwu National Forest Recreation Area|taiwan travel
Guanwu is located at the junction of Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County and Tai'an Township, Miaoli County. The territory is often filled with clouds and fog, also known as "the hometown of clouds". You can embrace the sacred tree in the mist of the mounta
嘉義景點:觀音瀑布|塵封了22年的美麗景點重新開放|在瀑布下喝咖啡品茶|阿里山國家風景區Guanyin Waterfall|Chiayi Tourism|Taiwan travel
The Xixinliao Guanyin Waterfall in Wenfeng Village, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County used to be a pocket list for 5th and 6th graders to go out on a date and a tourist destination for tourists to escape the summer heat. Located in a canyon, the two walls a
宜蘭景點:太平山國家森林遊樂區|楓紅滿開|坐蹦蹦車|鳩之澤煮溫泉蛋|茂興懷舊步道|Taipingshan National Forest Recreation Area|Yilan |Taiw
Taipingshan National Forest Recreation Area is located in Yilan County in the northeastern part of Taiwan. It is under the jurisdiction of Datong Township and Nan'ao Township, and is under the jurisdiction of the Luodong Forest Area Management Office
宜蘭景點:棲蘭森林遊樂區|棲蘭山莊住小木屋|棲蘭神木園區看神木|亞洲最大神木聚落|蔣公行館|賽德克巴萊拍攝地|Yilan AttractionsQilan|Taiwan travel
Qilan is located in Datong Township, Yilan County, about 38 kilometers away from Yilan City and Luodong Town. In order to let tourists wander easily in this beautiful mountain and water, the park has carefully planned a forest bathing trail with natural
龜山島:牛奶海|海底溫泉|賞鯨豚|登島|宜蘭頭城烏石漁港搭船|Guishan Island|Undersea hot spring|sea of milk|Yilan|Taiwan travel
Guishan Island is located about 10 kilometers east of the coast of Toucheng Town, Yilan County. It is the largest island among the county islands of Yilan County, and it is also the surviving active volcano in Taiwan. Whether by land or sea, as long as you
#苗栗住宿 Whenever I smell this fragrance I'm thinking of you🌿🪵 你們想要一起來一場尋香之旅宿嗎? 比起視...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 𝐀𝐦𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 Content creator (@amytravelife)
南投景點:奧萬大國家森林遊樂區|賞楓|絕美落羽松|奧萬大吊橋|雙瀑|飛瀑瀑布|Nantou Attractions|Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area
Aowanda is located in Huai Village, Renai Township, Nantou County. It is affiliated to the Nantou Forest District Management Office of the Forestry Bureau. The altitude is between 1,100-2,600 meters and the total area of the district is 2,787 hectares. Aow
很好!我10月開始沒有休假了😂 工作的休假剛好都拿去忙別的事! 很開心,理想與夢想同時進行💪🏻 #台中景點#台中咖啡廳#堁夏咖啡 #堁夏咖啡cafécrotch...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 陽光廷廷☀️|餐酒館酒吧x咖啡|酒途旅行✈︎ 🤎 (@tting_324)
生活的理想,就是為了理想的生活。 - 跟風來到熱門打卡景點 那天真的熱歪了! #三井outlet #台中三井outlet #台中三井 #台中景點#台中打卡景點...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 陽光廷廷☀️|餐酒館酒吧x咖啡|酒途旅行✈︎ 🤎 (@tting_324)
麥麥探店/高雄美食長/巴西人在高雄/地震級美味cp值爆表/台灣懷舊電影海報/鹽埕區大港參貳牛排館/三拼牛豬雞熊熊吃好飽/ 我的肚子怎那麼那麼可愛/Taiwan Retro/レトロ/레트로#sh
麥麥探店 XX 楚留香應該是阿北小時候看的 第一部連續劇 今日踏入了兒時的回憶 大港參貳餐廳裡貼滿了 小時候電影院或電視裡看到的宣傳海報 彷彿回到去大舞台看電影的年代 防疫期間外帶餐盒買一送一 激起了阿北的好奇心 一定要來支持一下 這高雄佛心店家 餐廳用餐環境寬敞 播放著
【2021桃園美食分享】大浦鐵板燒-桃園八德店,平價又好吃!Teppanyaki 、鉄板焼。台灣美食。八德美食推薦。炒豆芽菜,鐵板牛肉。蔥爆三鮮。荷包蛋。飲料和湯無限暢飲 (內用才有)
【桃園美食分享】大浦鐵板燒-桃園八德店,平價又好吃!Teppanyaki 、鉄板焼き - #鐵板燒 #八德美食 #大浦鐵板燒 - 以前住八德時, 常常去吃的店家, 喜歡吃下飯菜色的人~不可錯過! 調味得宜、熟度控制剛好, 我們最常點這些, 牛肉 $110 蔥爆三鮮 $130 荷包蛋 $10 蔥蛋 $10 白