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History of Westeros (Game of Thrones)
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History of Westeros (Game of Thrones) Come obsess over A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones with us! Our show is an enthusiastic and heavily-detailed look at the past, present and future of Westeros and the realms beyond. http://www.historyofwesteros
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アートのミーム 美大出身の編集者・鈴木〆太郎とプロダクトデザイナーの染谷昌宏が、美術やデザインについてゆるゆる語るポッドキャストです。 毎週月曜17時ごろ配信中! 美術やデザインのトピックや、作家の紹介などをわかりやすく話します。 【染谷昌宏のデザインプロダクト sugata】 https://www.someya-shouten.jp/ https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/artnomeme 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #34 おさるのジョージと子育ての話 もう一週
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閱讀推手 《閱讀推手》是一個談兒童、談圖畫書,也談兒童閱讀的節目,由兩位金鐘主持人:劉清彥老師與黃迺毓老師聯手主持。 每個家長跟老師都希望孩子可以成為一個喜歡閱讀的人,但是其實小孩不是天生就喜歡閱讀,或具有閱讀能力,所以就需要一個在閱讀上具有協助能力的大人來帶領。希望這個節目可以幫助所有關心兒童閱讀的大人,裝備自己,讓自己成為一個有協助能力的大人。 (本節目歡迎大人、小朋友一起收聽) _ ※《閱讀推手》從2013年開始製作至今。邀請過三代主持人: 第一代 | 劉清彥&黃迺毓 - 透過閱讀,推廣兒童文學、親子
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美食加幹話 不是美食家幹話,而是美食+幹話,每集節目快速帶你了解最近有什麼好吃的好玩的,也會聊一下時事跟廣告行銷內容,不管是美食老饕或是餐廳店家,都能夠快樂吃美食唷~ 網址:https://www.facebook.com/nash.tw/ 聯絡我: nash7788@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.facebook.com/nash.tw/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP 50 | 難道要被洗出台北市了嗎 鍋藏 瑞榮食堂 三重牛乳大王
如果不想被當成菜鳥割韭菜,買珠寶時該要有哪些準備? #大尋寶家 #丁靜怡 #寶物鑑定 #黎龍興 🌟爺爺愛妻年年送!高檔鴿血紅寶驚天價 👉https://youtu.be/6NGTAJtdAoM 🌟八心八箭閃爆現場!絕美鑽戒爽翻王瀞文! 👉https://youtu.be/uXBicmoxlA8 🌟以小博大撿到寶!青花碗真相超驚人! 👉https://youtu.be/n8G3cbhkLOY 命運好好玩官網:http://bit.ly/3JTzJiG 全球首創「麻將手遊」竟然可以插花觀戰?不出門也可開心上桌~
有声书《神级奶爸》| 821-830
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🔥如果您喜欢中文有声书内容,请follow我们的频道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9fhly67xBNTdyILnwah2cQ 🔥 更多精彩中文有声书内容: 🔥《逆天邪神》👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5g-u7W8exKdwXcX-1eq1UyMBUsfxMmpR 掌天毒之珠,承邪神之血,修逆天之力,一代邪神,君临天下! 站内点击破2.9亿次! 🔥《神级奶爸》👉https://www.youtube.com/pla
馮德倫Po舒淇舊照打甩跪算盤 |夫妻慶祝結婚周年嘴咀閃爆全場|HK E News 娛樂新聞報道
馮德倫Po舒淇舊照打甩跪算盤 |夫妻慶祝結婚周年嘴咀閃爆全場|HK E News 娛樂新聞報道 馮德倫(Stephen)日前喺老婆舒淇48歲生日正日,驚喜喺社交平台出土兩張舒淇陳年舊照,搞到老婆大人嬲嬲豬要Stephen返屋企跪算盤,呢日Stephen去到台灣,同舒淇嘅好姐妹林熙蕾(Kelly)一齊出席活動,Stephen以老夫老妻形容自己同舒淇,所以冇特別為老婆慶祝及送禮物,亦沒有特別送上驚喜。講到Post咗舒淇嘅舊照要否返家跪算盤?Stephen笑言:「為什麼要跪?我發的照很漂亮。」 大部分女性都鍾意珠
Special Sauce with Ed Levine
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Special Sauce with Ed Levine Serious Eats' podcast Special Sauce enables food lovers everywhere to eavesdrop on an intimate conversation about food and life between host and Serious Eats founder Ed Levine and his well-known/famous friends and acquaintances
ワイドハイター presents りいちゃんの相談窓口
ワイドハイター presents りいちゃんの相談窓口 誰かに話したい!でも誰に話していいかわからない! そんな日々生まれた「ねぇ、聞いて~」なことを、仲里依紗と一緒にお話しする番組。 お疲れモードなあなたも、週末が今から待ちきれないあなたも、まだまだお仕事が終わらないあなたも、肩の力を抜いて一緒におしゃべりしませんか? https://audee.jp/program/show/300008050 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 【2024/4/19 Vol.3】LAで聖地巡礼 先日LA旅行に家族で行ってきたりい
Taylor Swift's Inspiration - Clara Bow
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Taylor Swift's Inspiration - Clara Bow The podcast delves into the striking parallels between Clara Bow, the quintessential "It" girl of the 1920s silent film era, and Taylor Swift, the contemporary pop icon. Inspired by Swift's forthcoming track "Clara Bo
The Food Programme
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The Food Programme Investigating every aspect of the food we eat http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qnx3 Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:00:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 The secrets of sport food From the explosion in sport food and drink, to the food diaries and routines of
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Doughboys The podcast about chain restaurants. Comedians Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger review fast food/sit-down chains and generally argue about food/everything. https://headgum.com/doughboys 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Mr. Charlie's Told Me So with Jackie Johnson Jackie
The Modern Waiter Podcast
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The Modern Waiter Podcast The Podcast For People Interested in Restaurant Service industry.The Modern Waiter Restaurant Podcast fun discussions and interviews relating to the service industry that are relevant to both restaurant workers and guests. Have yo
Taylor Swift's Tortured Poets Department
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Taylor Swift's Tortured Poets Department In this detailed exploration, we delve into the heart of Taylor Swift's latest album, "The Tortured Poets Department," shedding light on its themes, the creative process, and the collaborative efforts behind its pro
Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore
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Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore What do the most successful entrepreneurs know, that you don't? Today's most successful Restaurateurs and Restaurant Professionals sharing tips and insights 2-days weekly to help make your restaurant dreams unsto
Game of Owns - A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones podcast
Game of Owns - A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones podcast Podcasting through George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon and HBO's Game Of Thrones. Episodes sorted chapter by chapter at gameofowns.com https://gam
8K影像展歷史文物,3D互動導覽引目光,4/2~7/28新媒體藝術展,故宮帶領「聲」歷其境! 訂閱【東森新聞】現在就加入》https://pse.is/396256 加入【東森新聞】會員,獨家影片搶先看》https://pse.is/39m9l8 #發現新大陸 #台北 #捕光抓影
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IC之音|晚安.月亮─床邊故事 主持人李曉卿(小青姊姊)將在睡前珍貴的十分鐘,為您的寶貝講述童話故事,讓孩子釋放累積整天的壓力,擁有平穩情緒,進入美好夢鄉。 https://www.ic975.com/program/%E6%99%9A%E5%AE%89%EF%BC%8E%E6%9C%88%E4%BA%AE%E2%94%80%E5%BA%8A%E9%82%8A%E6%95%85%E4%BA%8B/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 虎牙(30)中計 羅蘋終於找到小屋,他聽到了那個殺人魔的笑聲… https://www
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KURAL By Ini 🎧🌍🧠 Exploring the world through a 20-something girl's perspective on politics, society, growth and science. Tune in to my podcast for thought-provoking discussions and fresh insights! hustleit.wordpress.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 NOTA- could be the worst