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Brews and Tiny Teeth, The Unfiltered Pediatric Dentistry Podcast
Brews and Tiny Teeth, The Unfiltered Pediatric Dentistry Podcast Grab a cold beer and join us as Dr. Casey Goetz sits down to discuss all things pediatric dentistry. Topics include uncensored and unscripted conversations with special guests regarding start
【Now財經台】財爺周三(28日)就會發表新一份《財政預算案》,澳洲會計師公會預期,政府將會連續兩年錄得逾千億元財赤,而政府亦估計,未來幾年都未必可以達至收支平衡,本港係咪已出現結構性財赤?預算案另一個焦點係,會唔會「撤辣」救市。聽下澳洲會計師公會大中華區稅務委員會聯席主席劉明揚嘅詳細分析。 #財政預算案 #專訪 #Now財經台 =============================== - 下載《Now財經》App,睇盡財經及地產新聞 - iOS:http://bit.ly/11bgYgy Andro
Forging the Future: AI, Immortality and Genetic Engineering
Welcome to the near future. A time when man and machine become one and imagination becomes the only limit to science. 00:00 Cyborg Revolution We’ve all seen Cyborgs in Hollywood blockbusters. But it turns out these fictional beings aren’t so far-fetched. I
島嶼的邊緣 | 世界的中心
2 個月前
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島嶼的邊緣 | 世界的中心 雲林,雖然是島嶼的邊緣,卻可以是世界的中心。 歡迎光臨醫療精品旗艦店,我們是臺大醫院雲林分院。 臺大醫院雲林分院👉https://www.ylh.gov.tw/ 臺大醫院雲林分院院訊👉https://www.ylh.gov.tw/?aid=60&pid=95 臺大醫院雲林分院Youtube👉https://www.youtube.com/c/NTUHYL Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/ntuhy
ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka
2 個月前
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ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka I have NEVER met an ADHD woman who wasn't truly brilliant at something! * * This podcast with over 5 million downloads is for smart, high-ability ADD/ADHD (diagnosed or suspecting) women who see their symptoms as
Hepatitis B Replication Part 1 of 3 #usmle
2 個月前
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There is a receptor for the hepatitis B virus on the cell. Once attached the nucleocapsid goes into the cells and uncoats. The partially dsDNA hepatitis B virus goes into the nucleus where the remainder of the DNA is completed where it is covalently comple
Hepatitis B Virus Replication Part 2 of 3 #usmle
2 個月前
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There is a receptor for the hepatitis B virus on the cell. Once attached the nucleocapsid goes into the cells and uncoats. The partially dsDNA hepatitis B virus goes into the nucleus where the remainder of the DNA is completed where it is covalently comple
Part 1/3 Hepatitis B Diagnosis #usmle
2 個月前
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@thestudyspot DIAGNOSIS OF HEPATITIS B The surface antigen of the HBV represents infection while the antibody to the hepatitis B surface antigen represents immunity. The window period is between the hepatitis B surface antigen and the Hepatitis B surface a
Part 4/4 Hepatitis B Serum Markers #usmle
2 個月前
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@thestudyspot DIAGNOSIS OF HEPATITIS B The surface antigen of the HBV represents infection while the antibody to the hepatitis B surface antigen represents immunity. The window period is between the hepatitis B surface antigen and the Hepatitis B surface a
Part 3/3 Hepatitis B Diagnosis #usmle
2 個月前
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@thestudyspot DIAGNOSIS OF HEPATITIS B The surface antigen of the HBV represents infection while the antibody to the hepatitis B surface antigen represents immunity. The window period is between the hepatitis B surface antigen and the Hepatitis B surface a
2/4 Hepatitis B Serum Markers #usmle
2 個月前
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@thestudyspot DIAGNOSIS OF HEPATITIS B The surface antigen of the HBV represents infection while the antibody to the hepatitis B surface antigen represents immunity. The window period is between the hepatitis B surface antigen and the Hepatitis B surface a
A Shot in the Arm Podcast
2 個月前
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A Shot in the Arm Podcast We are a podcast about global health and human rights. And right now, we are asking the tough questions about what a world with #COVID19 looks like. Rapid, mass global #vaccination programs are needed - something never achieved in
'The TSMC of Biotech'? Taiwan's TBMC Teams Up With U.S. Medicine Maker | TaiwanPlus News
A major Taiwanese biotech company, Taiwan Bio-Manufacturing Corporation (TBMC), is teaming up with U.S. medicine maker National Resilience, saying it wants to be "the TSMC of biotech." 📹 Reporter(s): Kama Hsu/Yujing Huang #TaiwanPlus #TaiwanPlusNews #Taiwa
【Now財經台】中央匯金擴大交易所買賣基金(ETF)增持範圍消息傳出後,港股應聲抽高,最先收復50天線嘅阿里巴巴(9988),今日一度挑戰100天線,如果想做博反彈應該點部署? 華盛證券財富管理部董事李偉傑指,阿里明日就會出季績,市場係睇好呢份業績,有貨嘅投資者可以考慮… #科技股 #專家分析 #Now財經台 ============================== - 下載《Now財經》App,睇盡財經及地產新聞 - iOS:http://bit.ly/11bgYgy Android:http://b
2 個月前
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好孕智多星 婦科經驗20餘年的徐明義醫師,由淺入深帶妳走過想孕、不孕到懷孕! 100秒的時間,讓女人更了解自己,也讓男人更加體貼自己與另一半,理解、溝通成為彼此的助孕神隊友! ———————————————————— 華育生殖醫學中心 📞電話諮詢:02-2709-9966 💭官方LINE:https://lihi1.com/wflhA 🌐地址:台北市大安區敦化南路二段39號12樓 🚇捷運 近 捷運紅線 – 信義安和站 2號出口 🚌公車 近 公車站牌 – 信義敦化路口/大安國中站 Powered by Fir
Gazans concerned about UNRWA aid after countries pause funding over 7 October allegations | SBS News
Foreign Minister Penny Wong says Australia will "temporarily pause" funding to the United Nations' agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA. Wong said on Saturday that Australia is "deeply concerned" by allegations some staff at UNRWA "may have been involved
【Now財經台】藥明生物(2269)股價今朝高開,保持升勢,原因係創辦人李革首度增持公司股份,但午後走勢突然逆轉,一度急瀉近28%,因為市傳美國眾議院中共問題特設委員會提出,立法禁止藥明康德(2359)及華大基因等外國生物技術公司,指呢啲公司收集美國人基因作惡意或不明用途。其實藥明生物附屬曾喺2021年,被納入「中國企業未經核實名單」(UVL),2022年底成功「甩身」,今次又甩唔甩到身?股價急瀉後係咪撈底嘅好時機? 一齊聽吓 #亨達財富管理董事總經理 姚浩然 點講啦! #醫藥股 #專家分析 #Now財經台
Voices for Medical Freedom Podcast
3 個月前
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Voices for Medical Freedom Podcast John Stockton and Dr. Ken Ruettgers host Voices for Medical Freedom Podcast along with special guests that have frontline experience and knowledgable expertise in the medical freedom space. As technology advances and soci
3 個月前
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藥師開講 本頻道由新北市立聯合醫院藥劑科經營 (板橋|三重) 提供民眾用藥資訊、衛教音檔 歡迎訂閱收聽 我們也有 YouTube : 藥師開講 藥師開講,講到您懂,趕緊訂閱起來。 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://ntchpharmacy.firstory.io Thu, 22 Oct 2020 05:25:04 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 藥師參加義診能提供什麼服務呢?來聽聽看大雄藥師精彩的經驗分享 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firs