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【晚安陌生人】治愈系男声|每晚在故事中相遇 不在你身边,却在你耳边,陌生的你和陌生的我,让声音把深夜的我们连接。每天一个晚安故事,在故事里相互取暖、相互慰藉,陪你慢慢入睡。喜欢小狐狸主播的晚安故事,可以点赞、收藏、评论、分享、订阅哦,你的支持是我创作的最大动力~ https://www.ximalaya.com/album/78904268 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 去洱海边告别世界的女孩(二) 洱海边,一个患病女孩毅然告别世界,探寻生命真谛。她曾困于他人期待与内心苦楚之间,直到疾病让她反思生活的枷锁:若无婚
1 個月前
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性愛大膽說! 欣西亞和Shane,一對愛聊天愛說話的台美異國夫妻。欣西亞是一名擁有合格證書的性諮詢治療 師,也是台灣知名兩性作家,在FHM男人幫、GQ君子雜誌、姊妹淘、自由時報開設專欄,並在 各大節目擔任專家來賓分享犀利的兩性觀點,《新聞挖挖哇》中很常看見她的身影。老外老公 Shane,美國人,中文名為任翔,會說中文,曾在節目《二分之一強》中擔任型男,參與許多廣 告拍攝,對於兩性關係擁有獨到的西方觀點。夫妻兩人早在2006年於美國LA便開始錄製podcast 節目,名為「欣西亞和Shane的異國婚姻勁爆開講
1 個月前
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一天又平安過去了 一天又平安過去了! 大家好我們是阿萌、阿淳、阿轟。 三個二十出頭的少女,是個到處迷路的年紀。走走停停、刪刪改改,在人生的音軌上,我們都是尚在編輯的暫存檔。 在試著成熟又偶爾幼稚的日常裡,我們在合租的小公寓打開麥克風,聊人際、聊食物、也聊小不拉機的生活瑣事,以聲音的形式記錄下獨一無二的生命草稿。 一天又平安過去了。歡迎也想喘口氣的你,點擊播放,進入我們談天說地的半熟世界! Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/th
1 個月前
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鄧惠文時間 不管是「心理、伴侶、親子」,跟著鄧惠文特有的角度去觀察與理解,我們可以發現更多的關係、更美麗的自己、更真實的自己,跟著鄧惠文不同的視野發現心世界。 聯絡我們:news98radio@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting https://doctor-deng.firstory.io Mon, 02 Nov 2020 05:09:05 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 你老闆在你背後,有點火:御姊愛的職場文化人類學 【98有聲書房】開張,訂閱收藏News98精選
Even Rudolph will have you choking up 💔😢
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#ComedyCentralUK #RichardPryor #ComedyCentralStandUp #CCStandUp #StandUp #RichardPryorLiveOnTheSunsetStrip #Shorts
Big Mood, Little Mood with Daniel M. Lavery
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Big Mood, Little Mood with Daniel M. Lavery Every week, Danny M. Lavery brings on a guest to answer questions from listeners before diving into conversation about relationships, dissatisfaction, drives, regrets, estrangement, embarrassment, self-assessment
'I Haven't Seen My Vagina In 20 Years!' | Out Of Order
Can Katherine Ryan, Dan Tiernan, Judi Love and Desiree Burch guess correctly or will they be out of order? #ComedyCentralUK #OutOfOrder #RosieJones #JudiLove #KatherineRyan _______________________________________ More from Comedy Central UK: 📰 The Daily Sh
Love, Happiness and Success with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Love, Happiness and Success with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby Ready to work on yourself, supercharge your life and create the love, happiness, and success you truly deserve? Join me, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, your trusty guide on this transformative journey! In every
Blake Lively And Meghan Got Criticism From Fans After Spreading A Joke About Catherine's Illness
Blake Lively And Meghan Got Criticism From Fans After Spreading A Joke About Catherine's Illness 👉👉Please subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgNwKy5vXwpGPpgbz3RWsIw?sub_confirmation=1 👉👉You Can See More Videos Like This HERE: https:/
Premier Rôle
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Premier Rôle Bienvenue dans "Premier Rôle". Dans ce podcast j'aborde chaque dimanche, des sujets qui nous touchent tous et toutes (abonne-toi pour ne rien louper). On va prendre le temps de ralentir, lâcher prise, déculpabiliser et surtout de jouer ce f*ck
The HYPOCRISY Of Modern Women EXPECTING Traditional Treatment
🔗 Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs27XorDS4c 📅 Dating Talk is LIVE every Sunday & Tuesday 5:00 PM Pacific Time ▶️ WATCH LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/whatever?sub_confirmation=1 💎 Join: http://youtube.com/whatever/join 📺 Patreon: http://patreo
Lost Genre Reddit Stories
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Lost Genre Reddit Stories Welcome to the Lost Genre podcast. Here you'll be able to enjoy all my stories in the audio version. Thanks for listening!!Become a Paid Subscriber and support my Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lost-genre-reddit-stories/subscribe http
Born in the Eighties
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Born in the Eighties 2 friends, born in the 80s, raised in the 90s, and all grown up by the 00's. http://bornintheeighties.net/category/podcasts/born-in-the-80s/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 02:52:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Born in the Eighties 503: The Honorable Professor
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Redditor Stories of crazy entitled parents, incredible tales of revenge, amusing answers to compelling questions; The Redditor Podcast has it all. If you enjoy listening to intriguing, funny and realistic tales, then this is the podcast for you!Here you wi
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みけねこラジオ 高校の同級生、現在はアラサーでワーママのみかことけいこが放課後気分でおしゃべりするラジオ。お便りはこちらまで! https://forms.gle/LQQgJZfzzRknxPXG8 ▼X https://twitter.com/mikeneko_radio/ ▼Instagram https://instagram.com/mikeneko_radio/ ▼LISTEN(配信内容をテキストで読めます) https://listen.style/p/mikenekoradio?owwaX3i
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聽我在東京-簡單說 住在東京第15年阿簡,因決定將自己的生活點滴,人生經驗,或所見所聞,並且邀請很多好友一起對談 這裡沒有長篇大論,只有簡單說給你聽,不只聊日本,人物專訪/日本/感情/社會議題/自我啟發 讓阿簡渾厚的嗓音陪你度過睡前時光。 最新單元:日本社會案件/日本新聞 不要錯過了 請追蹤我的IG:easytalkwithme 聯絡mail:kanjohan1016@yahoo.co.jp https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vanessachien 您的瀏覽器
Soy Digno De Amor
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Soy Digno De Amor Pláticas para conocerte, amarte y sanar la relación más importante que tienes. Que es... Contigo mismo💖 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kimi-floresp 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Episodio 37 La importancia de tomar decisiones La importancia de toma
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Storytime Storytime Daily Podcast where you can find all the best internet stories!My name's Steven and I love reading stories on all the craziest entitled people, most insane revenge stories and people's personal stories of mistakes they've made. If you'r
"The Open Vegas Secret," Bruno Mars Is Allegedly $50 Million In Debt To MGM Over Gambling Addiction
Join the Bag Chasers on Patreon | https://www.patreon.com/AntonDaniels ___________________ Buy me a drink and support the channel... *CashApp | https://cash.me/$1antondaniels *PayPal | https://paypal.me/antondaniels ___________________ Website: http://Anto