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The Level1 Show April 19 2024: Rise of the Robotaxis
https://linode.com/level1techs https://www.one-tab.com/page/mkY7buDMSA-l6AK54OchmQ 0:00 - Intro 1:25 - ‘Social Order Could Collapse’ in AI Era, Two Top Japan Companies Say 2:25 - AI seen cutting worker numbers, survey by staffing company Adecco shows 3:07
Blood Feud (Full Episode) | Animal Fight Night
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In the animal kingdom, sometimes that mortal danger often comes from where you least expect, and animals will go to any lengths to eat, protect their young, or pass on their bloodline. Enjoy a free trial of National Geographic right here: https://ngmdomsub
Get Free Electricity Energy From Copper Wire With Spark plug
Welcome To Amazing Tech! Now i want to show about Get Free Electricity Energy From Copper Wire With Spark plug #engineering #electric #diy #freeenergy #fypシ Thank you for watching , like , share , comment !
What Happens To A Car Trapped Between Two Trucks? | MythBusters | Season 4 Episode 2 | Full Episode
The myth involves a car trapped between two fused trucks. To test this, a deserted freeway and two trucks, trailers, and a small car are secured. However, staging the driverless trucks' crash requires ingenuity... Using science as a tool, Hollywood special
Paleoanthropologist Explains Real Life "Hobbits"
Fossils revealed a species of early humans in Indonesia, descendants of homo erectus, and nicknamed them "hobbits" due to their 3-foot stature. #WIRED #TechSupport Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► http://wrd.cm/15fP7B7 Listen to the Get WIR
How Frank Whittle's Jet Engine Evolved Aircraft Development | The Amazing World of Aviation | Spark
Frank Whittle invented the turbojet engine in 1937. In the post-war years jet engines would become the next step in aircraft development. This impact would be felt across all sectors of aviation, from commercial to military, and would play a big part in fu
Hidden Killers | DOUBLE EPISODE | The New Detectives
Elements Of Murder: There are several things that can suggest murder; jealousy, anger, poison…When everyday substances reveal hidden clues that break a homicide case, those substances become the elements of murder. Raw Greed: A woman is rushed to the hospi
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食農搜查線-上下游 你好奇食物是從哪裡來的嗎?想不想認識為你種食物的人?如何用吃改變世界?來聽《上下游》就對了!《上下游新聞》有一群認真專業的記者和編輯,深耕食農領域,從泥土到海洋都是我們的調查現場,直擊蜜蜂暴斃、探索光電影響石虎、香蕉鳳梨外銷之亂、好吃芭樂怎麼選?我們帶您一起搜查食物農業的秘密。 我們的新聞保證獨立自主無業配,從每日新聞到調查報導,歷年榮獲多項新聞獎項,被評比為最值得信任的「十大即時新聞品牌」之一。我們的記者將會帶您深入現場,剖析新聞來龍去脈,也可以聽到受訪的關鍵人物親自說故事,希望大家跟
你对大脑了解多少?对于大脑的认知 是我们探索自身的第一步!一起探索“脑宇宙” 为你首次系统展现中国科学家在脑科学研究领域所做的努力!【CCTV纪录】
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Revolutionizing Energy Production The Future of Power Generation Exemplified by Ralph Bae
For business matters: theultimatediscovery1@gmail.com
絮言.狂想 seoijin
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絮言.狂想 seoijin 從語言出發,上至天文、下至地理,探索語言學同生活之間各種話題嘅粵語節目。A Cantonese podcast about topics connecting language and linguistics to daily life, with transcripts for Cantonese learners.加入Patreon睇逐字稿+參與自己友討論:https://patreon.com/join/rhapsodyinlingo請我哋飲杯嘢:https://www.b
ホンダ純正ナビ 結構いいですよ Nボックスでゴニョゴニョ
宇多田ヒカルベストアルバム とても良かったですよ 今回の新型スペーシア 出来が良いので JF5もつらいとこですね 右麻痺の場合は左足ブレーキがお勧めです 健常者の方も 左足ブレーキを練習されると 年老いた場合に 利点がありますよ 毎日のリハビリ大変です 病院の常識は世間の非常識 便利の良いスライドドア車は使い勝手最高ですよ 車の運転はスピードは控えめで行きましょう しかしNボックスゆっくりドライブ60キロ前後では最高の乗り物 燃費もよく維持費もお安くて楽しいお車です 各社スーパーハイトワゴン楽しいですよ N
[#59] YO智事務所|奇幻影展是如何成為傳說的?ft.金馬影展的影展部副總監 楊晴絮 | 法客電台 BY 法律白話文運動 Plain Law Radio
我們和台北市立大學推廣進修部開了四堂課: 4/13:「面對職場性騷擾,我們該怎麼辦」 4/20:「言論自由可以限制嗎?」 4/27:「資訊爆炸的時代如何培養媒體識讀能力」 5/4:「關於著作權,你必須知道的幾件事」 這是推廣部的課程,不管你是不是北市大的學生,都能報名喔! 𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘 上課時間:9:30-12:30 地點:台北市立大學博愛校區(台北市愛國西路 1 號) 課堂人數上限: 60 人(名額減少中!) 費用:2220 本集來賓:金馬影展的影展部副總監 楊晴絮 追串流和去電影院差異? 第
熱血科學家的閒話加長(The Excited Scientists' Hot Tea)
熱血科學家的閒話加長(The Excited Scientists' Hot Tea) 本節目有兩條線,以交互蹲跳方式隔週播出: 1. 吵死人的宅宅科學新聞:三個話很多老阿宅,包含兩個物理系教授以及一個影評人兼動畫導演湊在一起,跟大家分享最近在科學的世界裡發生了什麼新鮮事,加上動漫畫與電影一起攪和的大雜談。如果聽友能在輕鬆吵鬧的閒話中,順便知道一些科技新鮮事,大家應該都會很開心(吧)。 2. 你已經被量子熊造訪:量子科技時代即將來臨!台灣下一世代的護國神山!你是否被各種新推出的「量子商品」搞得頭昏眼花、差一
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LIVE: Total solar eclipse 2024: Eclipse Across America special from ABC News, National Geographic
On Monday, April 8, at least 32 million people across the United States will find themselves in the path of a totality, where the moon will completely block the sun, providing a long and intense period of darkness. This will be the last of its kind in the