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男女老少通吃 豪華小休旅打遍天下無敵手!《@57DreamSt 預約你的夢想》2024.03.28
最貴氣豪華小休旅 Evoque不辱Range Rover之名 車頭水箱罩造型更新! 新年試BMW iX1現身棚內 ■《夢想街57號 預約你的夢想》-小編新推薦:https://goo.gl/pW7Lo5 ■《夢想街57號 預約你的夢想》-汽車知識百寶箱:https://goo.gl/aQ7Z11 ■請鎖定夢想街57號Youtube官方連結:https://www.youtube.com/user/57DreamSt #夢想街57號 #李冠儀 #小休旅 #Evoque #RangeRover #BMW #iX
Nuova VOLVO EX30 elettrica, potente e ricca di tecnologia in 4 metri e 23. Da 35.900 euro
La Volvo EX30 è la più piccola vettura della casa svedese, misura solo 4 metri e 23 centimetri, ma è un concentrato di tecnologia. Full electric, è disponibile in versione single motor e autonomia da 344 km con batteria da 51 kWh nella versione base, per a
入主豪華車不是夢! 最佳豪華休旅車這樣挑準沒錯《@57DreamSt 預約你的夢想》2024.03.06
熱門豪華都會休旅 Volvo XC40 T2入門不陽春! 300萬預算買豪華休旅車? 最佳豪華休旅這樣挑! ■《夢想街57號 預約你的夢想》-小編新推薦:https://goo.gl/pW7Lo5 ■《夢想街57號 預約你的夢想》-汽車知識百寶箱:https://goo.gl/aQ7Z11 ■請鎖定夢想街57號Youtube官方連結:https://www.youtube.com/user/57DreamSt #夢想街57號 #李冠儀 #休旅車 #Volvo #XC40 #XC90 #豪華車 #純電車 #E
Volvo EX30 體形細小電動車 272匹馬力儼如小鋼砲的力量#revchannel
Volvo EX30雖然跟同屬吉利集團的Smart #1共用底盤,但EX30的輪軸距短了100mm,車身也要比#1細小,大家可能會質疑Volvo在搞甚麼鬼?亦有不少人批評Volvo這款入門電動車EX30的後座空間狹窄,實用性低。實際上,歐洲車廠已洞悉電動車市場開始走向多元化,特別是在歐美地區,電動車難以作跨州過省的長途駕駛,若要長里程,便必須使用巨大的電池,一來令車重增加,二來也難免要加大車體。實際上,歐美等地的用車習慣與香港人不同,他們日常生活需要一部輕盈細小的代步車,作為短途駕駛之用,家裏可能還有另一部
New 2024 Volvo EX30 Electric Small SUV Firstlook
11 個月前
 • 66 次觀看
new fully electric Volvo EX30 is designed to be as safe as you’d expect from us. It is designed to have the smallest CO2 footprint of any Volvo car to date, and to make people’s lives safer, more convenient and more enjoyable through cutting-edge technolog
FIRST LOOK: Volvo EX30 - This £34k Compact SUV Is The Fastest Accelerating Volvo Ever | Top Gear
This is Volvo’s smallest electric car ever: the new EX30 SUV. It’s also the fastest accelerating Volvo of all time, good for 0-60 in as little as 3.4 seconds. And yet Volvo insists this car also has the lowest lifetime CO2 footprint of any Volvo ever made.
11 個月前
 • 44 次觀看
The future are here 🙌 Welcome to Volvo's #EX30 Detailed presentation of all the specifications of Volvo's smallest SUV Recorded 5th of June Milano, Italy 🇮🇹 Thanks to @krisrifa for recording me Chapters 00:00 Introduction 01:33 Exterior dimensions 02:28 Mo
Volvo EX30: vanaf 37k en snelste Volvo ooit
11 個月前
 • 69 次觀看
Check ook de Autoblog podcast👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqLsZ-iXQczcE1sqFtcgNqFcCyxXb-9DH Volvo heeft een nieuwe compacte auto gepresenteerd in de vorm van de EX30. Het Zweedse automerk positioneert deze EX30 onder de XC40. Een zeer interessan
The 2025 Volvo EX30 Is An Affordable Electric Reincarnation Of The Funky C30 Hatch
An entry level car like the Volvo C30 has been absent from the lineup for over 10 years but for 2025, its spiritual successor is back and its fully electric! The 2025 #VolvoEX30 is the smallest SUV the company has ever produced but it packs a big punch. Th
NEW $36,000 Volvo EX30!
11 個月前
 • 46 次觀看
NEW $36,000 Volvo EX30! Business inquires - bemblidesign@gmail.com Learn to sketch like a professional designer - https://AnalogDesignerProPack.com Patreon: patreon.com/thesketchmonkey Don't forget to pick up some new merch - https://thesketchmonkey.com ★M
Volvo's RSQ3 revealed: 430hp & 0-60mph in 3.4 secs!
11 個月前
 • 64 次觀看
This is the Volvo EX30, and it’s an absolute game-changer! Now we know what you’re thinking - it’s just another crossover electric SUV! And yes, it might be, but we think it might have changed the performance SUV game forever! But why, we hear you ask? Wel
속보, 가격 34,950달러? 볼보에서 제일 작은 전기차 Volvo EX30 언박싱! [한국어 설명]
7일 한국 시각 20시 40분경 볼보가 XC40보다 작은 전기차 EX30을 공개했습니다. ©Technorns 〈테크논스〉의 모든 콘텐츠에 대한 권리는 〈테크논스〉에 있습니다. 학습을 위한 영상 URL 공유는 가능하나, 카피나 재편집, 복제 등은 금지합니다. 조금 전에 공개한 EX30은 순수 전기차로 볼보가 출시한 자동차 중에 가장 작은 SUV입니다. 볼보가 어떤 신기술을 EX30에 적용했는지 볼보 자동차의 발표를 최대한 놓치지 않고 번역해 설명하겠습니다.
Welcome into the all new #EX30 😎
11 個月前
 • 53 次觀看
Time for more EX30 😎 In this video the main focus are the interior, but we're also looking at some safety tech and cargo capacity. Hope you will enjoy 😉 Recorded 5th of June Milano, Italy 🇮🇹 Thanks to @krisrifa for recording me Chapters 00:00 Introduction
Volvo EX30 im Test (2023) So viel Premium Elektroauto bekommst du unter 30.000€! Review | Twin Motor
Hier gibt’s alle Infos zum (2023) VW ID.7 Falls ihr Bock auf: Fahrbericht | Review | Test | Reichweite | Rückbank | Innenraum | Kombi | Preis - zum ersten Elektro Passat habt, dann: Schaut jetzt rein! 🖤 Werbung* Angebote bei Goleasy.de: https://www.goleasy
Unboxing #EX30 ?
11 個月前
 • 31 次觀看
I've got some SMALL news. #EX30 box. Also sharing my experience from the press event I just attended in Milano. Awesome experience, despite not being pleased with the venue Volvo went for. recorded 6th of June
Bye Canada! Time for something, not so, big… #Volvo #EX30
See you Wednesday! 😉 #Volvo #EX30 #volvoex30