
| Easy Crispy Egg Rolls | [脆卜卜春卷(港式)] | 分享又脆又多汁的秘訣 | 附字幕 |Eng CC|

3 年前
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[ Secrets of Making Crispy and Juicy Egg Rolls ] 必學炸春卷竅門

Recipe: makes 20-25 egg rolls
by: Scarlett Li
1/2 lb pork (tenderloin)
1/2 lb medium shrimps (shelled & deveined)
2 medium carrots
1/2 small cabbage
20-25 small egg roll wrappers

Marinate for pork: Marinate for shrimps:
1 TBSP water+1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp clear rice wine
2 tsp oyster sauce 1/2 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp soy sauce Sprinkle of white pepper
1 tsp clear rice wine
1/2 tsp sugar
Sprinkle of white pepper
1 TBSP corn starch
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 TBSP minced garlic

食譜可做大約20 - 25 條春卷
半磅豬柳肉 (切幼絲)
半磅中蝦 (去殻, 去腸)
2 條甘筍
春卷皮 20-25張

豬肉調味料: 蝦肉調味料:
1 湯匙水+1/4 茶匙鹽 1 茶匙米酒
2 茶匙蠔油 1/2 茶匙麻油
2 茶匙豉油 白胡椒粉少許
1 茶匙米酒
1/2 茶匙糖
1 湯匙生粉
1/2 茶匙麻油
1 湯匙蒜蓉

Growing up in Hong Kong, egg rolls are popular snack food. You can easily find them at some street stalls or order them at Dim Sum Restaurants. The quality is hit or miss though. Sometimes, they looked golden brown on the outside, but when I bit into it, the wrapper was chewy and very greasy. Occasionally, I’d order them at restaurants. If they are freshly made, they get nice and crispy on the outside and still juicy on the inside. Most importantly, they have this beautiful light golden color. What a treat!
I started making them at home a few months ago during the quarantine because my younger son loves egg rolls. My first try was “hilarious” – I bought some “spring roll sheets” at my local grocery store and they were big. The fillings I used is the same as the ones on the video. Just pork (you can substitute it with chicken), carrots and cabbage, very simple. However, feel free to add mushrooms, cloud ears, or another veggie if you like. When I deep-fried them, the wrapper bubbled up immediately and a couple of those didn’t stay closed. They looked like giant chimichangas instead of traditional egg rolls!! Wow! As bad as they looked, they actually tasted okay and my son and I had a good laugh at those bumpy looking egg rolls.
In order to give those egg rolls justice, I made a trip out to the Asian grocery stores and get the smaller and thinner “proper” egg rolls sheets instead. When I rolled them, I realized the water was not a good “glue” to seal the egg rolls last time. So, I swapped it with egg white instead. And it was a much better choice. All of the egg rolls stayed closed during frying.
After I fried a couple batches of those, I learned that the temperature and frying time are the keys to successful crispy egg rolls. The wrappers need time to fry in the oil to get crispy. Using medium heat and frying them for 6-6.5 minutes, seems to be a perfect metric for some golden egg rolls with the crunchy outside. In my video, you’ll see how they transformed from pale-looking wrappers to perfectly golden egg rolls in a matter of minutes. Follow my step by step instructions and I hope you’ll have fun making and enjoying these delicious crispy egg rolls! Happy Cooking!

在香港土生土長的我, 由細到大都十分愛吃港式香卷。貪其香口又細細條, 街邊小食檔或茶樓都可見其蹤影。只可惜質素參差, 有些外面討好, 誰知一口咬下去, 又韌又油膩。好彩的話, 在稍為有質素的茶樓點春卷, 即叫即做, 炸得皮脆肉嫩, 好食到不得了!
過去幾個月在家抗疫期間, 我和細仔嘗試在家包春卷。為了慳時間, 我在家附近的西人超市買了他們出售的 “春卷皮” (超大張的)。材料及調味跟影片示範的差不多, 用了豬肉 (可用雞肉代替)丶 甘筍及椰菜。亦可加冬菇丶雲耳或其他蔬菜。原以為這個西人春卷皮跟傳統的沒多大分別, 誰知一下油鑊, 春卷皮表面立即起泡! 形狀有點像墨西哥人吃的 chimichangas。有幾條春卷更 “爆開”, 部分錎料漏出, 情況既滑稽又狼狽!雖然外表醜陋, 但味道十分滿意。我想只是失敗了一半, 還不是太差! 哈!
我決定再接再厲, 今次學乖了, 駕車去遠一點的唐人超市, 買了正宗的春卷皮 (又薄又細張的) 。包的時候用蛋白代替水封口, 黏性比較高, 絕對萬無一失! 改良了材料及方法以後, 再反覆測試了不同的油溫及時間, 終於研究出, 要把春卷做得既香脆又多汁的竅門。
在我的影片中, 你會看到春卷由白色的皮, 慢慢變成金黃色。只要跟著我示範的步驟,一步一步做, 你也可以在在家炸出酒樓水準的脆卜卜春卷!

I hope you'll enjoy it, happy cooking! :-)

Recipe courtesy of Scarlett Li @ Wok To Table, All Rights Reserved

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On my cooking channel, I'll show you how I replicate some of the homemade dishes I grew up eating in Hong Kong. I hope you'll enjoy my recipes and help connect you to your childhood memories.

Produced by: Sandalwood Productions Inc.
Copyright © 2020 Wok To Table
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