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Science Friday
1 個月前
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Science Friday Brain fun for curious people. https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/science-friday Wed, 1 May 2024 20:00:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 When Products Collect Data From Your Brain, Where Does It Go? There are products on the market that monitor your bra
Tornado in China's Guangzhou kills five and injures 33
A tornado struck the city of Guangzhou in southern China during the 27-28 April weekend. The disaster has led to the death of five people and has left 33 injured (Source: Xinhua). Authorities say 141 factory buildings were damaged but no residential houses
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Q&A
1 個月前
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The Wild with Chris Morgan
1 個月前
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The Wild with Chris Morgan "THE WILD with Chris Morgan" explores how nature survives and thrives alongside (and often despite) humans. Taking listeners across the Pacific Northwest and around the world, host Chris Morgan explores wildlife and the complex w
黑洞,宇宙中最令人膽戰心驚的怪物,現在看來,它們在宇宙初期所扮演的角色比我們之前想像的還要重要得多。 感謝那巧奪天工的詹姆斯韋伯太空望遠鏡,科學家們有幸發現了宇宙中最古老、最神秘的黑洞! 這個發現與彭羅斯的共形循環宇宙理論不謀而合。
1 個月前
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PCE Practicing Clinicians Exchange keeps advanced practice providers up to date with timely interviews from the front lines on current advances and best practices in medicine. Many of the podcasts are available for CE/CME credit. https://pce.simplecast.com
絮言.狂想 seoijin
1 個月前
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絮言.狂想 seoijin 從語言出發,上至天文、下至地理,探索語言學同生活之間各種話題嘅粵語節目。A Cantonese podcast about topics connecting language and linguistics to daily life, with transcripts for Cantonese learners.加入Patreon睇逐字稿+參與自己友討論:https://patreon.com/join/rhapsodyinlingo請我哋飲杯嘢:https://www.b
1 個月前
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很杂很杂的杂学知识 杂学知识指的是琐碎的、庞杂的事情或知识,它们饶富趣味、并随时充斥在我们的生活里,却鲜少有人会去注意。和“冷门知识”一样,杂学知识也属于另类知识。它不但有用,且更吸引人。这些知识看似有些稀奇古怪,却可以让人增长见识,开阔视野,还能启迪思维,引发强烈求知欲。 https://www.ximalaya.com/album/41235221 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 为何航海界采用“节”来衡量速度? 航海界对于速度测量和生活当中有哪些不同?为什么采用节来衡量? https://www.ximala
チョコのレコード #Shorts #でんじろう先生 #実験 #science #はぴエネ #科学
2月14日はバレンタイン。音楽が鳴る手作りチョコレコードを紹介! なんと、声を録音することもできちゃいます! February 14 is Valentine's Day, so we're going to present to you a homemade chocolate record that plays music! It can even record your voice too! 2022年2月12日(土)放送分(はぴエネ!#671) ※動画内の情報は番組放送時のものです。 放送時の提供:
Why was there hail this weekend? #shorts #shortnews #weather #wx #hail #localnews #meteorology
Our Taylor Kanost explains the hail in this weekend's storm. For the latest weather updates, visit WACH.com For the latest news, weather and sports visit: http://www.wach.com Like WACH Fox on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wachfox Follow WACH Fox on Twi
What is Canada doing about 'forever chemicals'? | About That
For the first time ever, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is introducing standards to limit PFAS, or 'forever chemicals,' in drinking water. Andrew Chang explores how prevalent these chemicals are in our daily lives, why they're so dangerous and wh
1 個月前
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IC之音|島嶼共聲.傾聽台灣 《島嶼共聲.傾聽台灣》要帶您透過聲音,傾聽自然,紀錄這片土地的靈性之美,探索人與環境、人與土地、人與其他物種之間的關係。這些紀錄,可能美麗,可能哀愁;可能在台灣的任何一座山林,任何一片海岸,任何一個季節,持續發生著;在過去,也在這時和未來。我們一同傾聽,一同反芻,一同思考,一同行動。讓我們一同與島嶼共聲。 本節目由緯創人文基金會贊助播出 https://www.ic975.com/program/%e5%b3%b6%e5%b6%bc%e5%85%b1%e8%81%b2%ef%b
Bright Side
1 個月前
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Bright Side Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every
科技最前沿,论天文物理 人工智能 数码编程 大数据等
科技最前沿,论天文物理 人工智能 数码编程 大数据等 科技最前沿,主要从丘孔语论比较感兴趣的几个领域来谈论科学科技,可能涉及天文、物理、互联网/IT、人工智能/Ai、数码/手机、编程、大数据、商业大佬、创新创业创客、化学、医学、养生、心理学、灵性等领域;认识天地,开阔思维,重塑自我。不要说我涉猎太广泛,只是人生认识自我的过程太过漫长,我们只能先广纳外,然后求诸内,探索着,迷茫着。我们每一篇都会说明播读时间是,是为了让你可以放弃太过期的内容。做一档科普类的节目,我的语速会尽量的放慢,太快了不适合所有的听众,希
NASA 逐工一幅天文圖 APOD Taigi
1 個月前
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NASA 逐工一幅天文圖 APOD Taigi 「逐工一幅天文圖 APOD Taigi」Podcast 是 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 台語版的有聲頻道。逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者為你解說。 https://apod.tw/ Powered by Firstory Hosting https://apod-taigi.firstory.io Fri, 08 Jan 2021 17:09:42 GMT 您的瀏覽器
New Free Energy Generator Using Copper Wire 100%
1 個月前
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Hello Everyone! This is video. I want to show you about: New Free Energy Generator Using Copper Wire 100% #engineering #freeenergy #electric #diy #amazing We all trust you enjoy our video tutorial about “Electric Tech ” right here, If you do so please don'
你是否曾對火星充滿好奇,想像過那片紅色星球上可能隱藏的奧秘? 讓我們一起揭開火星的神秘面紗,探索馬斯克這位夢想家對火星的獨特洞見。
1 個月前
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吳老師與Maggie聊天文與生活 本節目是由飛碟電台主持人Maggie 邀請吳福河老師與聽眾分享天文古今話題。 吳老師曾長期擔任台北市立天文科學教育館推廣組組長,退休後依舊熱衷於天文推廣活動,除了在社大上課,亦受邀至營隊、研習活動等,分享各類天文話題,是大人們心中最博學多聞的吳組長,也是孩子心中最幽默有趣的小河河。擅長以輕鬆幽默的方式,旁徵博引帶領大家輕鬆遨遊天文領域。 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/maggiegogofly 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 【天文
Did cloud seeding cause Dubai floods?
1 個月前
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Welcome to indian scientist group We are here to explore the space ,world,earth ,planets and strange stories and mysteries The channel features programming focusing on science related to wilderness survival, engineering, manufacturing, technology, space, s