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1 年內
1 個月前
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這樣看中國-蔡明芳時間 中國崛起對世界帶來巨大影響,台灣更是面對強權的第一線。瞭解中國是越來越重要!! 中央廣播電臺播出的「這樣看中國」節目,邀請不同領域的學者、專家,帶您從國際、兩岸、財經等多元且深入的角度透視中國。 請聽每週三晚間9點30分到10點,由蔡明芳主持的【蔡明芳時間】,帶您從財經與產業等視角解析中國。 歡迎透過電子郵件與我們聯繫,「這樣看中國」節目電子信箱:2020@rti.org.tw、20200203news@gmail.com PODCAST收聽:SOUND ON 、SPOTIFY 、A
Hvite privilegerte menn
3 週前
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Hvite privilegerte menn Fire striler i sin beste alder ser med skråblikk på livet og uken som gikk. https://podcastle.ai/show/hvite-privilegerte-menn-E1F1 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 HPM ep1: Sexsjokk, Kadyrovs kvinneråd og utakknemlige mødre med mer... Endelig har hvite
Mark Levin Podcast
1 個月前
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Mark Levin Podcast Mark Levin is one of the hottest talk radio hosts in America. A prominent conservative commentator, best-selling author and constitutional scholar, Mark offers fresh takes on daily news headlines and dissects important events of the day.
ML Soul of Detroit
1 個月前
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ML Soul of Detroit News, views, inside stories -- long AND short -- all well-told. https://www.mlsoulofdetroit.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Soul ‘Til I Die – March 19, 2024 DCFC CEO Sean Mann joins ML and Marc for our annual “State of the Team” episode, discussing ever
1 個月前
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5-4 5-4 is a podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks. It's a progressive and occasionally profane take on the ideological battles at the heart of the Court's most important landmark cases; an irreverent tour of all the ways in which the law is shape
Flashpoint Ukraine - Voice of America
1 個月前
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Flashpoint Ukraine - Voice of America VOA's Flashpoint Ukraine podcast goes beyond the headlines to look at the most recent developments in the Russia-Ukraine war. To provide you with in-depth analysis and context, our hosts speak with experts from around
東森美洲 關鍵時事
1 個月前
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東森美洲 關鍵時事 東森美洲提供各類精采優質多元節目,零時差滿足旅美華人新聞資訊育樂。 →/訂閱東森美洲電視頻道/→https://bit.ly/2VF6dFI →/訂閱東森美洲電視PODCAST/→https://bit.ly/CASTTV https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ettvamerica 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 頂級AI盛典「鴻海大漲台積接棒」?「新GPU、B100」放大絕輝達火力秀?-【57新聞王 精華篇】20240315-2 頂級AI盛典「鴻海大
We the People
1 個月前
 • 29 次觀看
We the People A weekly show of constitutional debate hosted by National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen where listeners can hear the best arguments on all sides of the constitutional issues at the center of American life. https://consti
1 個月前
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LibertyNZ Inside Globalist Occupied New Zealand https://libertynz.podbean.com Fri, 15 Mar 2024 08:43:18 +1300 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 The World at FIVE (pt1) - 15th Mar 24 Grant Edwards & Digger David'Son From New Zealand News - Information - Opinion - Tunes Listen on
Truth Nation Podcast
1 個月前
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Truth Nation Podcast Speaking truth in a chaotic world. This is the premise of the Truth Nation Podcast.The Truth Nation Podcast, hosted by Mark Garrett and Bill Bodner, is a platform dedicated to addressing the chaotic nature of today's world with honest
1 個月前
 • 15 次觀看
ドイツのメディアから ドイツのメディアを通して世界の「今」を知る-「ドイツのメディアから」は、ドイツのメディア報道を紹介するポッドキャストです。ドイツや欧州を中心に、政治・経済・EU・気候変動などに関するニュースから、毎回一つのテーマを深堀り。長年ドイツに住み、日々ドイツメディアに触れ情報を得ている沢辺ゆりさんの解説を、美濃部遊が聞き手となり配信します。 番組への感想などは doitsu.media@gmail.com までメールでお寄せください。 沢辺ゆり 日本の大学でドイツ文学の修士号取得後、二年間ドイ
Apple News In Conversation
1 個月前
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Apple News In Conversation Apple News In Conversation with Shumita Basu brings you interviews with some of the world’s best journalists and experts about the stories that impact our lives. Join us every week as we go behind the headlines. https://www.apple
The Mark Thompson Show
1 個月前
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The Mark Thompson Show The Mark Thompson Show lives to see another day! Join your host Mark Thompson, news maven Kim McCallister, and fabulous producer John Daly every weekday live on YouTube from 10am-noon as they present issues of the day, Law & Disorder
#156 法客話題|毒與癮的源頭:島國毒癮紀事 ft.報導者總編輯 李雪莉、記者 曹馥年 | 法客電台 BY 法律白話文運動 Plain Law Radio
【本集節目廣告由 陽光伏特家 贊助播出】 #我也是聽法客電台才知道:我也可以簡單參與再生能源,為環境永續盡力的同時還能獲益! ☀️ 陽光伏特家 全民電廠計畫,透過認購太陽能板的實際行動,成為綠電生產者,並且獲取穩定綠電收益! ☀️ 每一度綠電,都由台電以固定價格,保證收購! 每兩個月陽光伏特家會將綠能售電收益,按太陽能板持有比例,回饋至每位參與者戶頭。 ☀️ 24小時即時監控,並由陽光伏特家為你把關電廠的品質與安全! 購買後,你可以透過手機,隨時監控天氣狀況、太陽能板發電等情況。 ☀️哪裡可以買? 透過專屬
1 個月前
 • 80 次觀看
北海道新聞ポッドキャスト 北海道新聞の記者が道内ニュースを解説し、取材の裏話を話す「北海道新聞ポッドキャスト」。 あの記事はどう書いた?取材してみてどうだった?北海道の今を、現場を見てきた地元の記者が語ります。 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/series/podcast/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 十勝のソウルフード「インデアンのカレー」 冷凍も発売、おいしさの秘密は?!<北の食☆トレンド>#106 北海道新聞の記者が取材時のこぼれ話などをお話しする「北海道新聞ポッドキャスト」
2 個月前
 • 64 次觀看
DEEP Dive DEEP Dive is a podcast series from NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP). Each episode provides commentary and analysis with experts and practitioners on a variety of subjects, including international security and defence, counter
About Space Today
2 個月前
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About Space Today AMERICA'S RETURN TO SPACE - News and Information on America's space program - Artemis Return to Moon and on to Mars. Space X Crew Missions to the International Space Station and our unmanned scientific satellites and rovers on Mars. On Tu
Tokyo Citadel Builders
2 個月前
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Tokyo Citadel Builders Welcome to the Tokyo Citadel podcast. We discuss current topics in Japan and Bitcoin and how our lives are impacted by the growing bitcoinization of the world . We interview builders on bitcoin to highlight and learn about how bitcoi
About Space Today
2 個月前
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About Space Today AMERICA'S RETURN TO SPACE - News and Information on America's space program - Artemis Return to Moon and on to Mars. Space X Crew Missions to the International Space Station and our unmanned scientific satellites and rovers on Mars. On Tu