@TEDx Talks

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Challenges of a Gymnast | Lulu Al-Saleh | TEDxYouth@BBSKuwait
Lulu, a Gymnastics champion, tells her journey in local and international tournaments; and reflects on her choice of quitting Gymnastics! Grade 8 Student This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a l
Can we stop MS and ALS? | Michael C. Levin | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan
Most persons living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) continue to get worse. Researchers and healthcare providers don’t know why, or how to stop it. Although the two diseases are different, they share the common feature o
Limited College Years, Infinite Educational Possibilities | Jiayuan Tian | TEDxShuguangLu
Life Designer means life designer. Life is like a blank sheet of paper waiting to be colored. Instead of being arranged by others and being carried along by the world, why don't you try to become your own life designer? Why don't you try to be the designer
Unveiling The Cosmos: Wonder, Beauty, and Meaning | Sheil Dharan | TEDxYouth@AllianceAcademy
Embark on a cosmic journey guided by Sheil Dharan, a former NASA Ames Research Intern, as he invites you to rediscover the awe-inspiring wonder, beauty, and profound meaning woven into the fabric of our universe. Picture Neil DeGrasse Tyson's magnetic char
Mr. Ye Shengtao and Suzhou | Minsen Zhou | TEDxSuzhou
Ye Shengtao is a pioneer of the new culture movement in China, a famous educator, writer, editor, publisher and social activist in modern times, and also the founder of the textbook editing cause in New China. Mr. Ye Shengtao was born in Suzhou, and his li
在地球online里游戏人生 | Wayne Jiang | TEDxChengdu
江文宇通过一系列互动环节,引导听众反思他们对教育和学习的态度。他探讨了传统教育系统的同质化和工业化问题,并提出以游戏化方法改革学习方式。他是一位非传统学校的英语老师,他分享了在教学中如何结合游戏元素激发学生学习的兴趣和主动性。他的教学法不仅包括线下游戏化活动,还包括线上平台和手机应用,使学生在完成任务的同时来学习。他强调,教育的目的不仅是知识传授,更重要的是培养学生的学习热情和自主性。通过游戏化,他希望学生能在快乐中学习,体验到学习的乐趣,为未来生活做好准备。 江文宇,曾供职国内外多家媒体。代表译作《色:彩
出使的豌豆颠儿 | Hao Li | TEDxChengdu
3 個月前
 • 7 次觀看
李昊以其独特的视角探索美食与生活的深刻联系。他通过分享个人经历,展示了如何通过品尝不同地区的美食,深入了解一个地方的历史、文化、经济和政治。李昊强调,每一顿饭都是对世界的一次小小探索,使得生活变得丰富多彩。他提出,食物不仅是味觉上的享受,更是一种连接人与世界的纽带,是认识世界和自我的窗口。无论是回忆北京的川菜馆,还是在乌兹别克斯坦的生活体验,或是法国的美食探索,李昊的故事都深刻地体现了食物与人文环境的密切关系。他的演讲不仅提供了美食的新视角,也启发观众以更开放和好奇的心态去体验世界的多样性。 李昊,川西藏区
Tech Innovation:Bringing Local Food to the World | CHUN-YI Chiang | TEDxNational Pingtung University
Chun-Yi shares his journey from being a child of a traditional rice pudding shop in Pingtung to becoming a multidisciplinary artist and later venturing into the food and beverage industry. Chiang, Chun-Yi, the founder and director of JIH CHAN FOODS CORPORA
人生中勇敢的過彎 | 晤毅 姚 | TEDxWegoHighSchool
展昭國際是台灣第一家大型專業展覽公司,主要籌辦國內外大型專業性及消費性展覽,致力於產業深度推廣,而姚晤毅先生身為展昭國際的副總經理,擁有豐富的管理經驗和卓越的領導才能,他深諳行業趨勢和市場需求,並擁有卓越的商業洞察力,能夠制定出戰略性的決策和計劃,推動公司持續成長和競爭力的提升,他的專業能力和領導才華使為公司的成功和發展做出了卓越貢獻。讓我們邀請他為我們分享他的故事吧! 展昭國際副總經理 姚晤毅先生 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conf
私たちはなぜ外国語を学ぶのか? | 松清 一平 | Ippei Matsukiyo | TEDxFukuoka
"Why Do We Learn Foreign Languages?" The son of a watchmaker, Ippei's samurai roots run deep. A rugby player from a young age in the unpretentious position of hooker, Ippei found a job covering stories in Korea. As he learned Korean, he experienced a parad
《注意!你可能正在被空气污染》 | Zhang Yan | TEDxJianye
关注健康,从关注室内空气开始!关注空气质量,从选择一种健康的可水洗空气健康解决方案开始!空气脏了怎么办?用水洗一洗(离子风净化)。 加州圣克鲁兹分校电气工程博士;苏州贝昂智能科技股份有限公司 创始人;Airdog USAInc.创始人&CEO This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ht
DFC學習法4步驟:解開下一代學習意願低落、3C成癮等問題|DFC: Four Steps to Motivate Children’s Learning. | 芯瑋 許 | TEDxZhubei
2023年兒福聯盟調查:台灣有四成多的孩子,壓力最大的來源是課業,另一數據顯示:台灣孩子在求學期間,平均有一萬兩千次的考試。 當一個孩子在一萬兩千次的打擊後,是否還能對自己保有信心?答案顯然是否定的!當信心被破壞殆盡時,孩子的學習意願會降低、躲進3C世界的機率提供,甚至可能引發憂鬱症等問題。 一直關注此問題的許芯瑋,受到Kiran Bir Sethi於TED大會的演講啟發後,將 DFC學習法引進台灣,至今已逾十年,成功培養出更多擁有學習自信的孩子,賦予解決問題的信心和能力。 進一步認識後,我們會發現「感受、
Le positif attire toujours le bonheur... enfin presque ! | Cécile NEUVILLE | TEDxCaen
Se répéter chaque matin que la vie est belle devant son miroir... serait-ce la recette du bonheur ? Mais comment trouver la paix intérieure suite à un traumatisme ou face à toute cette souffrance dans le monde ? Il existe réellement des clés pour trouver e
COVID-19 後,台灣空氣品質可以持續改善嗎? | 莊秉潔 Ben-Jei Tsuang | TEDxDadun
台灣中南部的空氣品質一步步在改善,PM2.5的濃度在大眾監督之下減低許多,藍天白雲的日子也比過去常見;只是,人們陌生的「肺腺癌」還是持續增加,成為台灣人的「頭號殺手」,每年奪走許多寶貴的生命……。莊教授將分享台灣及中部地區空氣汙染的故事,並探討COVID-19對台灣空氣品質的影響,同時帶大家去思考——為何空氣汙染的議題已然成為顯學,我們仍無法擺脫肺腺癌?聽聽科學家提出的假說,我們將有機會可以預防肺腺癌上身! 莊秉潔教授長期致力於空氣污染的研究,對於國人近年因空氣污染造成的傷害非常關注;是國內倡議非核無煤能源
藻礁,你不知道的海岸紅寶石 Algal reef, the hidden heritage of Taiwan | 林惠真 Hui-Chen Lin | TEDxDadun
越本土,越國際 Support Your Local by Your Originality - Bboy Bojin | 陳柏均 Bojin Chen | TEDxTamsui
陳柏均老師 aka Bboy Bojin,資深街舞舞者 / HRC 創辦人。以自身經驗分享人生堅持的信念,在26年的舞蹈之路,如何勇往直前邁向國際,將原創力注入街舞,結合中華武術,站在世界舞台上,再把世界舞台搬回台灣「越本土 越國際」。 二胡演奏家 Erhu Performer:Lu Ai Ning 盧艾
Master Shi Heng Yi – 5 hindrances to self-mastery | Shi Heng YI | TEDxVitosha
Meet Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi in his serene talk about self-discovery. Learn why rainfall is an essential part of each flowering. And every small step – part of the journey to the highest peek. The hindrances along the way to self-discovery and personal
Do university rankings matter? | Hiroshi Ono | TEDxOtemachiED
Hiroshi Ono is a sociologist who also has a background in mechanical engineering. His research interests include sociology of education, human resources, and the science of happiness. Discussing rationales of university rankings system, he sheds light on w
Don't Work Too Hard 不要太努力 | 之喬 曾 | TEDxTaipeiFuhsingPrivateSchool
From her early days, Joanne Tseng has stepped foot into the entertainment business. Her life is dedicated to her dream of her career in which she wants everyone to know that as long as you live happily, the road to success will eventually open for you. 從小小