
1 天內
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1 年內
Easter Chocolate Treats | Jamie Oliver #shorts
2 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
Easter weekend is upon us, and we've got this indulgent trio of chocolatey Easter treats for you. Chocolate and avocado mousse, chocolate twister bread, and last but not least chocolate hot cross buns! Why not treat yourself and give one of them a go? Reci
ひな祭りのちらし寿司に彩り飾る薄焼き卵(錦糸卵) もう失敗しない!破れにくい! これが1番気に入ってる作り方。 冷やし中華や涼拌三絲などの和え物にも 【失敗しない!定番の薄焼き卵】 卵 1個 塩 ひとつまみ 1g 砂糖 ひとつまみ 1g 水溶き片栗粉 (片栗粉小さじ1/3 水小さじ1) 油 少々 [Don't fail! Standard thinly baked egg] 1 egg 1g pinch of salt 1g pinch of sugar Potato starch dissolved in
I made chocolate chip cookies from #thesims4 | #shorts #thesims #cooking #food #sims4
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Impress your valentine with…
3 個月前
 • 8 次觀看
Whether you’re cooking for someone (or your cat), this is an easy combo that is guaranteed to impress! ————— SUBSCRIBE and RING THE BELL to get notified when I post a video! PLATFORMS -Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/maxthemeatguy?share_id=Nzg2RjE4&
#節分 #節分の日 #節分祭 #めざし #めざし天ぷら #めざしフライ #いわし #イワシ #鰯 #イワシフライ #イワシレシピ #魚料理 #天ぷら #てんぷら #天麩羅 #天麩羅 #健康 #簡単レシピ #節約レシピ #short #セロリ #セロリレシピ #shorts #cookingshort #cookingchannel #cookingshorts #cooking #shortcooking #おつまみ #酒の肴 #珍味 #cookingvideo #ちゃらりんこクック #恵方巻き#japan
Harvested Organic and Fresh Strawberries! Making Lots of Jam in the Village!
Harvested Organic and Fresh Strawberries! Making Lots of Jam in the Village! Strawberry Jam Strawberry Recipes Azerbaijani Dish Azerbaijan Village National Dish Village House Village Recipes Easy Cooking Relaxing Video Easy Recipes Cooking Outdoor Cooking
Melting Moments
6 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
Recipe ⬇️⬇️⬇️ or PRINT: https://www.recipetineats.com/melting-moments/ Australia's favourite cafe cookie! Shortbread biscuits joined with lemon buttercream frosting. True to their name, they literally "melt in your mouth"! - N x ❤️ Melting Moments MELTING
☀️ One Pan Breakfast #SHORTS
10 個月前
 • 54 次觀看
Find the full recipes, with quantities and step-by-step instructions at https://www.chefclub.tv Click here to subscribe to Chefclub ➡️http://link.chefclub.tv/163⬅️ and turn on notifications 🔔 ►► Chefclub videos : http://link.chefclub.tv/0at ►► Chefclub sto
✨ Big breakfast, little time, big loaf, little grind #SHORTS
Find the full recipes, with quantities and step-by-step instructions at https://www.chefclub.tv Click here to subscribe to Chefclub ➡️http://link.chefclub.tv/163⬅️ and turn on notifications 🔔 ►► Chefclub videos : http://link.chefclub.tv/0at ►► Chefclub sto
🍫🥞 Nutella Pancake Bowl #SHORTS
1 年前
 • 93 次觀看
Find the full recipes, with quantities and step-by-step instructions at https://www.chefclub.tv Click here to subscribe to Chefclub ➡️http://link.chefclub.tv/163⬅️ and turn on notifications 🔔 ►► Chefclub videos : http://link.chefclub.tv/0at ►► Chefclub sto
A Huge Beef Leg of KFC! Ruddy Crust and Piquant Taste of Juicy Meat
🔪 My signature Knives - http://badalov.shop A huge beef leg of kfc! Ruddy crust and piquant taste of juicy meat. If you liked the video, then be sure to like it and write your comments! See you very soon! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and turn o
The Budget Friendly Tomahawk
1 年前
 • 77 次觀看
The Budget Friendly Tomahawk How would they know? 👀 ————— SUBSCRIBE and RING THE BELL to get notified when I post a video! PLATFORMS -Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/maxthemeatguy?share_id=Nzg2RjE4&locale=en_US -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/
The Half Cow Beef-Chetta
1 年前
 • 93 次觀看
The Half Cow Beef-Chetta This was easily the biggest piece of meat that has ever entered my kitchen and the coolest part was learning where some of my favorite cuts come from. The skirt steaks in particular were really unique. They were both covered in a s
【醫師Cooking】防治#糖尿病 #湯水 中老年保健適用 淮山豬胰湯|健脾益肺降血糖 乾淮山比鮮淮山好?6款淮山功效大比拼 一種集土地精華皇帝也吃!|附素食#食譜 |健康嗎Health Code
【醫師Cooking】詩博士煮意 相信大家對淮山都不陌生,它有補益脾胃和益肺養陰功效,可以調節胃腸功能。淮山有分乾品和新鮮,到底兩者有何分別,我們又應該如何挑選適合自己的淮山? 這集 #醫師Cooking 有中醫博士温愛詩介紹坊間常見的6種淮山,包括七支淮山、河南生曬淮山、鐵棍淮山,以及日本山藥等。它們的產地和口感都不同,適用於製作不同養生美食,當中更有一種是淮山之王,在古代是朝廷貢品之一,集合了土地精華,能夠補脾陰。 温愛詩博士更推介「淮山豬胰降糖湯」,能夠緩解糖尿病,同時是中老年和家庭適用湯水,每星期煲
International Women’s Day in Relaxing Village. Happy women's days to all our female audience. You are an inspiration to us all. Wishing you an excellent Women’s Day! Do not forget to subscribe to us: Facebook: https://fb.com/relaxingvillagelife Instagram:
牛肉のミニ恵方巻きの作り方☆節分に!食べきりサイズのミニ恵方巻き♪牛肉たっぷりでスタミナ抜群☆上手に巻く方法をご紹介します♪-How to make Beef Ehomaki-【料理研究家ゆかり】
こんにちは。料理研究家のゆかりです。 今回は、牛肉のミニ恵方巻きを作りました☆節分にピッタリ!食べきりサイズのミニ恵方巻きです☆牛肉もたっぷり入ってスタミナ抜群です。太巻きを上手に巻くコツをご紹介します。とても美味しいので、ぜひ作ってみてください。 Hello. T
ミニ七福恵方巻きの作り方☆節分の定番!食べきりサイズの恵方巻き♪身近な具材で簡単☆上手に巻くコツもご紹介します☆-How to make Ehomaki Sushi Roll-【料理研究家ゆかり】
こんにちは☆料理研究家のゆかりです♪ 今回は、ミニ七福恵方巻きを作りました☆手巻き海苔で作る、食べきりサイズの恵方巻きです♪具材は7種類!手軽な材料で作れます☆かんぴょうと椎茸の甘辛煮と卵焼きは手作りです♪上手に巻くコツなどもご紹介していますので、ぜひ今年の
Super Snickers Sundae #SHORTS
1 年前
 • 96 次觀看
Find the full recipe, with quantities and step-by-step instructions at https://www.chefclub.tv/recipe/a874e165-158f-425d-81f1-0ca9e759faf3 Click here to subscribe to Chefclub ➡️http://link.chefclub.tv/163⬅️ and turn on notifications 🔔 ►► Chefclub videos :
【醫師Cooking】#長新冠 咳嗽疲倦必飲!|香港人易濕熱 自測7大濕重症狀|#中醫 博士祖傳健脾袪濕湯配方大公開!潤肺清肝熱老少咸宜|健康嗎 Health Code #covid19 #covid
【醫師Cooking】 「#濕熱 」一詞相信大家也不陌生,但為何香港人多濕熱,與生活環境又有何關係? 中醫博士#温愛詩 解釋,香港屬於嶺南地帶,自古以來都是山林瘴氣,多山、多濕兼多熱,經常發生瘟疫。而香港位於南中國海,是南中之南,加上香港人普遍生活#壓力大,又食無定時或飲食不節,濕熱問題就更明顯。 不要小看濕熱,它會令人面色變黃、皮膚變差、甚至形成口臭、體臭和疲倦等問題。中醫博士温愛詩提醒,如果情況嚴重,最好咨詢中醫師,如若症狀輕微,可以透過飲食去紓緩和預防。這集 #醫師Cooking 温愛詩博士推介一款祖