
【Eng Sub 中字】雞肉臘味煲仔飯簡易食譜 Easy Recipe of Claypot Chicken Rice

2 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
#claypot #腊味 #砂锅

Ingredients and Preparation
1. 350g boneless chicken breast, cut into bite size
2. 6 mushroom soak in water for 10 hours. Clean and cut into strips
3. 3 cloves garlic, chop finely
4. 5 shallots, clean and chop finely
5. 1 Chinese sausage, thinly sliced diagonally
6. 1.5 cups rice, 1.5 cups hot water
7. 6cm salted fish
8. Spring onion (Appropriate)

Marinating sauce
* 1 tbsp light soy sauce
* 1 tbsp oyster sauce
* 1 tbsp ginger juice
* 1 tbsp ShaoXing wine
* 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
* 1 tbsp cornflour
* 1 tbsp sesame oil
* 0.5 tsp sugar
* 0.5 tsp ground pepper

Topping sauce to serve
* 6 tbsp water
* 1.5 tbsp soy sauce
* 1.5 tbsp dark soy sauce
* 1 tbsp oyster sauce
* 0.5 tsp sugar
* Appropriate Chinese Parsley (white portion)
* Appropriate Spring onion (green portion)

1. Marinate chicken breast with the marinating sauce, set aside for at least 1 hour.
2. Rinse rice a few times and drain. Soak rice for 1 hour.
3. Heat 1 tsp of oil in pan and fry the salted fish till golden brown, and set aside.
4. Heat 3 tbsp oil in a wok, sauté garlic and shallots until fragrant, about 2 to 3 minutes. Add chinese sausages, mushroom, 0.5 tbsp soy sauce, 0.5 tbsp oyster sauce, 0.5 tsp sugar. Stir fry. Set aside.
5. Topping sauce: Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok and sauté chopped shallots, Chinese parsley, spring onion until aromatic. Add water and wait till boil, Then add in other seasoning and mix well, cook in low heat.
6. Drain rice and add 1.5 cups hot water. Bring to a boil while stirring regularly, until the water is almost absorbed by the rice.
7. Put the marinated chicken, sausage, mushroom and salted fish on top of the rice.
8. Cover the pot, and turn the heat down to the lowest setting. Simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove from heat.
9. After 10 minutes, uncover the pot and pour the sauce evenly over the rice. Cover it back up and simmer for another 3 minutes.
10. Then, open the lid and mix everything together.
11. Garnish spring onion. Serve hot.

材料, 處理
1. 350g 鸡胸肉根据自己想要的大小切块
2. 6x香菇浸泡10小時至软,洗净切成小块
3. 3x 蒜切容
4. 5x 紅蔥頭洗净切碎
5. 1x 腊肠切片,越薄越好
6. 1.5 杯米, 1.5 杯熱水
7. 6cm 鹹魚
8. 适量青葱

* 1 tbsp 醬油
* 1 tbsp 蠔油
* 1 tbsp 薑汁
* 1 tbsp 紹興酒
* 1 tbsp 黑醬油
* 1 tbsp 木薯粉
* 1 tbsp 芝麻油
* 0.5 tsp 糖
* 0.5 tsp 胡椒粉

* 6 tbsp 水
* 1.5 tbsp 醬油
* 1.5 tbsp 黑醬油
* 1 tbsp 蠔油
* 0.5 tsp 糖
* 適量 芫茜
* 適量 青蔥

1. 鸡块加入調味料匀腌制1小时。
2. 米洗淨。用清水提前浸泡米1小時。
3. 大火热锅下 1 tbsp 油后改中小火,随后放入咸鱼。然后慢火将咸鱼煎至两面金黄
4. 燒熱锅加3 tbsp 油,放入蒜蓉蔥頭碎爆香。加入腊肠,冬菇,0.5 tbsp 醬油, 0.5 tbsp 蠔油, 0.5 tsp 糖翻炒。
5. 自制酱油: 燒熱锅加1 tbsp 油,放入芫茜、青蔥、紅蔥頭碎爆香。加入水,滾後轉小火加入其他調味品攪拌均勻。
6. 將1.5 杯水注入煲中,煮滾後才下白米,大火煮滾後轉中火,宜邊煮邊攪拌,直至水分收乾。
7. 可將配料如雞肉、臘腸、冬菇、鹹魚等鋪在飯面
8. 蓋上鍋蓋,調至最小火煮約15分鐘
9. 10 分鐘後,淋上调好的酱汁。盖上锅盖利用余温再焖3分钟。
10. 打开盖子,用饭勺搅拌均匀
11. 撒上葱花,趁热食用。

Music Coconuts by Roa https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/al-coconuts
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/A0fbTc30ZG8
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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