
腊八粥成功秘诀!不要放这种豆子!養氣補血 暖心又暖胃 Laba Congee (Laba Porridge) secret don't put this bean!

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
腊八粥,也叫八宝粥或米粥,可谓天下第一补物,米汤可以治疗咳嗽,米粥含有丰富的维他命B1, 维他命B2, 磷,铁,无机盐等各种营养素,能益气,养阴,润燥!再搭配这么多宝物,增强免疫力从喝粥开始吧!谢谢您的收看祝您健康好运!

The traditional Laba Festival is coming, and there is a Chinese saying "It is the year after Laba", which means that the Chinese New Year and the Spring Festival have entered the countdown. On the eighth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, everyone has the custom of drinking Laba porridge. On a cold winter day, drink a bowl of steaming Laba porridge to drive away the cold and add blessings! I hope you can make Laba porridge with me and wish you a wonderful winter day! Thank you and wish you a long and healthy life!!
#腊八粥 #年夜饭 #八宝粥
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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