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中植系之後,更多富人收割機在暴雷路上!投資客要挺住!#粵語 #中國經濟 #暴雷
中植系之後,仲有幾多「富人收割機」在爆雷路上? 北中植,南恆大。兩家巨無霸公司嘅口碑,而家算系徹底毀咗。 11月29日,中植被立案後,中植系負責人在首次正式接待會進行講話。「雪崩時,冇一片雪花系無辜嘅,中植走到今日,而家呢種情況,個個都有責任,唔系話刑事責任和其他責任,但我哋系有責任嘅。」 11月底,警方對中植系所屬嘅四大財富公司涉嫌違法犯罪立案偵查,並對解某某等多名犯罪嫌疑人採取刑事強制措施。外界猜測,「解某某」為中植集團副總裁解子征,系中植集團創始人解直錕嘅侄子。 早先,中植集團對外表示,其債務規模巨大
讓房地產的寒意,傳導到每一家國央企!#粵語 #中國經濟 #中國樓市
讓地產嘅寒意,傳導到每一家國央企 此前,有無數嘅解讀,吹水講房地產早已築底,立即就能觸底回升了。 但打面來嘅就系來得甘快,房地產持續下行,後來又解讀,吹水話繫到咗政策底、到咗市場底,照呢個思路,而家繫到咗底中底了,但市場依然仲未明顯回暖。 顯然,吹水也沒人信了。 冇幾耐前,有傳言講,江浙滬包郵區嘅城投,都唔把項目包給本地人咗,因為怕項目爛尾,本地人搵屋企人嘅麻煩,外地人反而搵唔到屋企嘅位置,安全。 甘…… 舊年,任正非曾在華為內部發表講話,要求「將寒氣傳遞比每一個人」。 而家,市場已經把地產嘅寒意,傳遞到每
俞敏洪演砸了?企圖架空董宇輝,東方甄選偷雞不成反蝕把米!#粵語 #董宇輝 #東方甄選
最近,東方甄選「小作文」事件鬧得沸沸揚揚。12月5日,官方在一個活動嘅預熱視頻下面發布咗「宣傳文案出自誰手」嘅評論,聲稱多數經典小作文都系文案團隊創作,並唔系全部出自主播嘅手筆。 呢個言論擴散後,董宇輝粉絲怒咗,佢哋質疑東方甄選系在否認董宇輝嘅貢獻。 對於網友嘅反應,官方處理起身明顯太遲鈍,呢期間,媒體還曝光咗CEO孫東旭不讓董宇輝回歸嘅內部吹水記錄,孫本人在一次直播中也講: 「過於極端嘅觀點系對董宇輝嘅過度吹捧和貶低。」 呢啲如同火上澆油,為咗表達自己嘅不滿,網友唔單只通過取關賬號公開向東方甄選示威,甚至
André Braugher has died aged 61
5 個月前
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After a critically-acclaimed career that included a role in ‘Homicide: Life on the Street’, André Braugher has died aged 61. READ MORE: https://str.sg/iY3G Turn on notifications 🔔 to stay updated. Follow The Straits Times on YouTube: https://str.sg/ytsub -
一覺起來,幾百萬就沒了!廣州學區房,價值雪崩!炒房客巨虧,天價學區房直接腰斬!#粵語 #大灣區樓盤 #廣州炒樓
一夜變天!越秀學區房,價值雪崩? 時代拋棄你嘅時候,連招呼都唔打一個。 唔知你有冇發現?今年廣州唯一沒發學位預警嘅中心區,系越秀。 梳理數據就會發現,近兩年來,越秀45個學區房,只有12個錄得有漲幅。 今年前9個月,「0成交」嘅網紅小學對口學位房,足足17個之多! 一度被稱為廣州嘅「海淀區」,越秀系好多老廣心中嘅白月光。而家,在入學最高潮嘅2023,卻詭異地一夜降溫咗。 廣州今年二手房嘅行情系,樓價普遍回調。在二手降溫呢股大潮下,連珠江新城嘅豪宅都難以倖免,越秀學區房自然不例外。 根據貝殼數據口徑統計,今年
Families of missing MH370 passengers seek compensation
A Beijing court on Monday began compensation hearings for the Chinese relatives of passengers on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which mysteriously disappeared over the Indian Ocean almost a decade ago, the plaintiffs said. Read here: https://str.sg/
At least three killed, hundreds flee as gunshots heard at Siam Paragon mall in Bangkok
Thailand’s Central Investigation Bureau says that a 14-year-old male has been apprehended following a shooting in Bangkok's Siam Paragon shopping mall that has left at least four people killed. Hundreds of shoppers fled the popular shopping mall in Bangkok
Bangkok mall shooting: Tragedy in Thailand
8 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
Two people were killed and five were hurt in a shooting incident at the Siam Paragon mall in Bangkok on Tuesday (Oct 3). The Straits Times Thailand correspondent Tan Tam Mei describes the scene. Read more: Bangkok’s Siam Paragon shooting: 14-year-old suspe
Hong Kong Floods & Landslides After Heaviest Rainfall In 140 Years
Hong Kong was flooded by the heaviest rainfall in nearly 140 years on Friday, leaving the city's streets and some subway stations under water and forcing its schools to close. Just across the border, authorities in China's tech hub Shenzhen recorded the he
Emotional Tony Leung wins Golden Lion achievement award in Venice (September 2)
Hong Kong actor Tony Leung Chiu-wai received a Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement Award at the Venice Film Festival on Saturday, brushing away his tears as he was given a prolonged standing ovation. READ MORE: https://str.sg/iS9j Follow The Straits Times on
後編はダラシメン側で上がってます! →https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw9ep-n6MIE ダラシメンのチャンネル🔽 →https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeCmTmCwLMhp7l6K3i5X5eA 紹介した動画はこちらから見れます🔽 【心霊】ダラシメンと究極の事故物件で『ひとりかくれんぼ』ヤバすぎる現象の嵐。 https://youtu.be/CKQg7TJmA2I 【心霊】霊が応えてくれた//怪奇現象が強い…飯盛山荘は怖いだけじゃない
「Neil」|初五開工大吉~所以我有開工紅包嗎|ROV.AOV 傳說對決 Liên Quân
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BUT - Le doublé de CR7 qui égalise juste avant la mi-temps
⚽ #RiyadhSeasonCup 🔥🔥🔥 CR7 est inarrêtable !!! 🤯 Doublé pour le Portugais qui égalise juste avant la mi-temps ! 💻 Résumés, buts, articles, vidéos, ... ➡️ www.beinsports.com 📱 Retrouvez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : ➡️ Facebook :
Résumé : CR7, Messi et Mbappé se répondent dans un festival de buts
[📺 RÉSUMÉ VIDÉO] ⚽ #RiyadhSeasonCup 🔥 Le PSG s'impose 5-4 face au Riyadh Season Team grâce à Messi, Marquinhos, Ramos, Mbappé et Ekitike ! 💪 Côté saoudien, Cristiano Ronaldo a répondu à la Pulga avec un doublé ! 💻 Résumés, buts, articles, vidéos, ... ➡️ ww
Ken block 1967 - 2023 RIP
1 年前
 • 172 次觀看
Well this is not the news we wanted to wake to this morning but I had to check twice that I read it right. Indeed the Sad news that Ken Block a Pro rally driver has died at the age of 55 after a Snowmobile accident. Mr. Hoonigan your be missed, RIP. H
We Lost the Coolest Car Guy of Our Generation - Thank You Ken Block
Yesterday we lost the legendary Ken Block. I just wanted to share my story of the day I met the man himself and how he influenced my life and car culture forever. Thank you Ken Block for everything you've given the skateboarding world with DC Shoes, and
他の心霊企画はこちらから見れます🔽 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx9qXPbEsWw&list=PLMpEwev2mFaGncjL9oNrJMi_3NwGkgiV7&index=1&t=2s 紹介した動画はこちらから見れます🔽 【心霊】あまりに怖すぎるので注意してご覧ください。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?
前回の霊地巡礼がこちら🔽 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wbRrXPqBKU&t=1s ⭕️新グッズ発売中 https://heberbiszuihnen002.stores.jp ★チャンネル登録お願いします! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTZT_Lm9vlqNR0eZMO_nLYQ?view_as=subscriber (登録すると
Stranger Things Season 4 Bloopers | Netflix
1 年前
 • 157 次觀看
These bloopers could single-handedly save me from Vecna. Season 4 bloopers have officially dropped. Watch Stranger Things, only on Netflix. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 About Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment servic