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1 年內
1 個月前
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茜問 「這個世界或許正變得越來越暗,但我們仍然可以活得越來越亮。」資深媒體人陳文茜來跟大家交朋友!透過訪問,帶你一同了解人物故事、生命煩惱,各種疑難雜症,《茜問》陪你找解方! ► ► ► 茜問:https://tw.tv.yahoo.com/asksisy -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://tw.tv.yahoo.com/asksisy 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 人生是:真正快樂時間有多久 — 不只是開心的權威 魏崢【EP160|魏崢】 🌟 來賓:振興醫院院長 魏崢
1 個月前
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桃色風暴✨🍑 一群人討論兩性之間關於性和慾望的話題🈲,提倡及提廣健康性知識💓,不受拘束的自由分享自己對於性方面的想法和心得,探討人與人之間的交流。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.instagram.com/peachy.strom_?igsh=MXUxeXVweG1qcnEwag%3D%3D&utm_source=qr 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 🍑ep1|敢大膽嘗試刺激嗎❓最🦐愛愛經驗無碼直出大分享 原來大家都有這麼🦐的過去 現在的人居然都這麼大膽❗️
1 個月前
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平安顱藝 大家安安,我是安安,歡迎來到平安顱藝,這裡聊的是生活、聊得是故事,期待這是一個大家可以得到開心、喜悅的生活分享台。我希望以閒聊的方式去分享很多知識與觀念給大家,也期待大家有任何問題、疑惑都可以留言評論跟我說! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chenyian 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP21 生產是個神聖的過程,溫柔生產其實不溫柔;一看到寶寶的笑容,一切都很值得了 大家都很好奇,我們的生產過程,這一集讓庭庭老師開講 https://podcaster
【ねこ子TV】for Podcast
1 個月前
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【ねこ子TV】for Podcast ようこそ、ねこ子TVへ! 私ねこ子の配信を聴取いただきましてありがとうございます。 断酒を中心とした自身の健康活動で得た知識や考え方を発信しております。 ▼当チャンネルで伝えたい5つのテーマ ◎ダイエット→1年半で19kgのダイエットに成功し現在もヤセた状態をキープ。運動や食事改善等ダイエット実践を通じて得た効果的な知識や経験をお届け。 ◎玄米菜食→肉・乳製品を控える玄米と野菜中心の食生活・漢方薬で体質改善が叶い、PMSもほぼ完治。 ◎ランニング→独学でランニングを開始
Love, Happiness and Success with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Love, Happiness and Success with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby Ready to work on yourself, supercharge your life and create the love, happiness, and success you truly deserve? Join me, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, your trusty guide on this transformative journey! In every
Natural Thoughts and Talks
1 個月前
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Natural Thoughts and Talks NTT is all about entertaining and empowering listeners. Based out of LA, Hanna Afzelius and Venture O'Neal are dedicated to producing authentic content that is both entertaining as well as rich in pop culture. They talk everythin
「大人の給食室」shokumiの今日なに食べる? 栄養満点voice💖管理栄養士しょくみです。毎日食べても飽きない、記憶に残る懐かしい味こそ家庭料理✨そんな思いで配信中!シェフにならなくて良い!「あなたが楽しく作る」が1番です🥰 👇HP🍳✨ https://shokumi.com/ 🔶NEW ‼️初心者向けレシピ本 ハードル0cmエッヘン!はな歌ごはん https://amzn.asia/d/jg8zKVY 🔶 Kindle「食」のエッセイ🍎思い出のレシピ付 りんごは進化する https://amzn.as
1 個月前
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狐狸的森林 杂谈/自我探索/生活思考/会聊很多杂乱的东西。艺术、生活、学习、音乐、运动、美食、感情、友谊、家庭等等。能想到之事,无所不言。作为一个人,每天都在思考很多东西。好的、坏的、所谓有价值的、所谓无价值的;作为一个矛盾统一体,每天都在纠结很多东西。所谓应该做的、所谓不该做的。每个人都是一只动物,生活在自己的生态圈里。联系方式:fromthefox@icloud.com https://www.ximalaya.com/album/80574718 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 狐狸的森林|第二期:为什么年轻
Food Heals
1 個月前
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Food Heals Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the fields of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! T
Rebel Buddhist
1 個月前
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Rebel Buddhist Rebel Buddhist is all about freedom - inside and out - so if you want to tame your mind but not your life, this podcast is for you. In each episode, Master Certified Coach Ana Verzone, DNP, will teach you practical, effective tools from the
MELODY 健康星期四 - Radio Station [CHI]
1 個月前
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MELODY 健康星期四 - Radio Station [CHI] 健康万事佳,没有什么东西比健康来得更重要!我们邀请医疗界的医生和营养师来为你提供健康资讯! 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 MELODY|抗击膝盖炎症,踏出轻松步伐|健康星期四 预防胜于治疗,专业医生和营养师为你解答各种疑难杂症。 Thu, 21 Mar 2024 03:00:00 -0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 MELODY|痔疮vs大肠癌,有什么不同?|健康星期四 预防胜于治疗,专业医生和营养师为你解答各种疑难杂症。 Thu, 14 Ma
Abierta Mente: Conversaciones con Yoga al Alma
1 個月前
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Abierta Mente: Conversaciones con Yoga al Alma Yoga, literatura, nutrición, crecimiento personal y vida plena. Alimentamos el alma a través de conversaciones y entrevistas llenas de contenido positivo. Quiero que podamos ser nuestra mejor versión y vivir m
Mario Luna - Podcast
1 個月前
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Mario Luna - Podcast ¿Quieres TRIUNFAR en la vida DE VERDAD? Si deseas emprender un PROYECTO EXITOSO, POTENCIAR TU SALUD O MEJORAR TU VIDA AMOROSA, aquí podrás beneficiarte del NETKAIZEN: el primer sistema de ÉXITO INTEGRAL para acercarte cada día a TU MEJ
Surgery 101
1 個月前
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Surgery 101 Welcome to Surgery 101, a series of podcasts produced with the help of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. The podcasts are intended to serve as brief introductions or reviews of surgical topics for medical students. We've aimed to c
Team Never Quit
1 個月前
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Team Never Quit Each week join Retired Navy SEAL and Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell, Melanie Luttrell, and Producer Hunter Juneau as they’ll take you into the "briefing room" to chat with incredible guests who share their greatest never quit stories. This h
All The Wiser
1 個月前
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All The Wiser There is hope and possibility on the other side of pain. From dramatic stories of survival, the realities of life when facing death and unforgettable lessons on love and loss, we tell the most jaw-dropping and inspiring stories you've ever he
No-Bullsh!t Vegan
1 個月前
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No-Bullsh!t Vegan Myth-busting and evidence-based advice to help you kick butt with your health and fitness - on a vegan diet. Join our movement of No-Bullsh!t Vegans who value critical thinking and want to further our cause using scientific truths, not ma
Well-Fed Women
1 個月前
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Well-Fed Women Radically improve your health, mindset, and relationship with food with Well-Fed Women, hosted by Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Personal Trainer, Noelle Tarr of coconutsandkettlebells.com. Every week, you’ll get to hear authentic, unf
Shameless Sex
5 天前
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Shameless Sex Amy is a Sex and Relationship Coach and Sex Educator with a passion for promoting unabashed, pleasure-focused sexuality education. April is a motivational speaker, sex toy mogul, as well as one of the leading women in the sex-toy industry. Ap