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Cranberry Yoghurt Cheesecake 蔓越莓优格芝士蛋糕
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Apple Crumble Cheesecake 苹果奶酥芝士蛋糕
► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ Ingredients材料: 150g (9 pieces) Digestive biscuits, finely
Honey Cupcakes 蜂蜜杯子蛋糕
1 年前
 • 104 次觀看
Ingredients (材料): 60g Honey (蜂蜜) 70g Water (水) 70g corn oil (玉米油) 90g plain flour (普通面粉) 20g corn starch (玉米粉) 4 egg yolks (蛋黄) 4 egg whites (蛋白) 60g caster sugar (细砂糖) 1 tbsp corn starch (玉米粉) ► Facebook Pag
Red Bean Paste Dumplings | Kuih Chang |豆沙粿粽
► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ ► https://edu.bigpropel.co/dbs-offer/ Ingredients(材料):
(1小時食譜) 自家製芒果班戟 ,How to make Mango Pancake super easy recipe
(1小時食譜) 自家製芒果pancake ,How to make Mango Pancake super easy recipe 🌟更多芒果食譜的教學影片,一Click即到! 【酒樓芒果布甸】https://youtu.be/qy2O0Adh0sE 【三色芒果糯米飯】https://youtu.be/gdd1oazcJHw 【芒米糯米糍】https://youtu.be/RNXVJqpXtHc
Chocolate Chip Cheesecake 巧克力粒芝士蛋糕
► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ ► https://edu.bigpropel.co/dbs-offer/ Ingredients for spon
Purple Marble Light Cheesecake 紫薯大理石芝士蛋糕
► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ ► Simple Sweet Tooth: http://edu.bigpropel.co/ebook-offer/
1小時食譜!芒果腸粉的做法/ How to make Mango Coconut Roll super easy recipe
1小時食譜!芒果腸粉的做法/ How to make Mango Coconut Roll super easy recipe 🌟更多有甜品的教學影片,一Click即到! 【零毛孔焦糖布丁】https://youtu.be/2XHH5Fphyds 【椰汁紅豆糕】https://youtu.be/4v1sribylYs 【黑糖珍珠鮮奶】https://youtu.be/f2fExANsL-w 🌟
Nyonya Chang | Nyonya Rice Dumplings | 娘惹粽
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White Coffee Chiffon Cake 白咖啡戚风蛋糕
► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ Support My eBook: https://edu.bigpropel.co/dbs-offer Ingre
Matcha Red Bean Bread 抹茶红豆生吐司
2 年前
 • 73 次觀看
► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ Ingredients (材料): 450g bread flour or high protein flou
Matcha Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake 抹茶芝士戚风蛋糕
► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ Support My eBook: https://edu.bigpropel.co/dbs-offer Ingre
Blueberry Crumble Cheesecake 蓝莓奶酥芝士蛋糕
► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ Ingredients材料: 160g Marie biscuits, finely crushed (马利
阿嬷的秘方 | 咸蛋肉粽完整教程 (Salted Egg Dumplings / Bak Chang) Recipe
#阿嬷的秘方 #福建咸蛋肉粽 #怎样绑粽子 大家想知道粽子是如何制作的吗? 有人尝试过制作粽子吗? 今天爾爾的阿嬷就要来分享她的独家秘方,福建咸蛋肉粽! 一颗小小的粽子其实它的准备功夫并不少,看完我们的教程你就会觉得我还是去向别人购买比较好,再也不嫌人家卖的粽子贵了XD 以下是咸蛋肉粽所需要准备的材料食谱,详细过程请观看影片教学。 《30颗咸蛋肉粽食谱》 蒜米-200g 红葱-200g 栗子-300g 香菇-200g 蚝干-200g 糯米-2kg 五香粉-30g 胡椒粉-30g 酱油-200g 老抽-200
伍仁月饼 Mixed Nuts Mooncakes
5 年前
 • 49 次觀看
Ingredients: Mooncake Pastry (饼皮材料): 300g plain flour (普通面粉) 240g mooncake syrup/golden syrup (糖青)https://youtu.be/IRjfaawR5tQ 75g peanut oil (花生油) 5g alkaline water(碱水) Filling (馅料): 100g toasted almonds(烘香杏仁) 100g toasted cashew nuts(烘香腰豆) 100g toasted w
咸肉粽 Savoury Dumplings / Bak Chang
5 年前
 • 14 次觀看
咸肉粽 材料:大概22 - 24粒 糯米1公斤(洗净,浸水至少4个小时)、食油3汤匙,葱蒜茸2汤匙、3小匙盐、五香粉1小匙、胡椒粉1小匙、黑酱油2汤匙、蚝油2汤匙 馅料: A)五花肉500g切成大概22至24小块、香菇12朵(泡软,切一半)、栗子(浸隔夜,清理干净,加入适量水煮20分钟) 蒜片1汤匙、黑酱油1汤匙、蚝油1汤匙、盐1茶匙、五香粉半茶匙、胡椒粉半茶匙、1小匙糖 1大匙生抽 B)200g眉豆(浸1小时)、1小匙葱蒜茸、1/2小匙五香粉和胡椒粉,1/2小匙盐,1大匙生抽,1大匙蚝油 C)咸蛋黄12粒
红豆碱水粽 Alkaline Dumplings With Red Bean Fillings
Ingredients : 500g glutinous rice 1 tbsp alkaline water Soaked for 4 hour or overnight. Drained it and add in the following: 1 1/2 Alkaline water 1 1/2 caster sugar 2 tbsp cooking oil Set aside for an hour before wrapping. Filling : 300g red bean 200g suga