
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
Wellness Connection MD
3 個月前
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Wellness Connection MD Welcome to the Wellness Connection MD podcast, where Dr. McMinn and Coach Lindsey become your partners on a quest for optimal wellness. Simply stated, our goal is to bring to you up-to-date, honest, vetted, unbiased, evidence-based i
Vida en Equilibrio Podcast con Luz Orea
3 個月前
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Vida en Equilibrio Podcast con Luz Orea Wellness Expert, Nutriologa especialista en Ayurveda y estilo de vida, maestra de yoga y meditación, mamá de 2 niñas maravillosas, host del Podcast Vida en Equilibrio, Empresaria fundadora de Magic Mamma “alquimia pa
4 個月前
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嘿!你夠衛生嘛? 嗨!大家好歡迎來到《嘿!你夠衛生嘛?》,你真的夠衛生嘛?來讓公衛生來回答你吧! 這裡是一個致力推動、推廣公共衛生資訊的頻道,範圍很廣很廣,從你的基因一直到世界的每個角落,從你的內心世界一直到大數據的時代,希望能讓你了解公衛這門學問,包山包海也讓你包心。 我們不只是打掃街道的衛生,事實上凡事只要影響到了你的健康、他人的健康、還是地球的健康,就都是我們會談到的議題。 趕快邀請親朋好友來一起聽吧!大家都要健健康康的掌握自己的未來! 歡迎大家來追蹤我們的IG,裡面有我們手繪的漂亮佐圖呦! IG:
Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support
4 個月前
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Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support We share effective tips and practices for working with Adult ADD / Adult ADHD in a natural, holistic way, without the use of medications. Hosted by Bahman Sarram and Michael Joseph Ferguson. For more info, visit: http://www.
4 個月前
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瘋健時代 🦄健康促進|心理韌性|身心平衡|教養成長 「瘋健時代」是一個傳播洞見、健康及心理韌性的節目, 面對現代網路充斥,各類知識議題、健康、醫療產業、心理知識各式各樣, 我們彷彿快跟不上世界飛快的節奏,我們正身處在各種言論充斥的年代, 保有明辨是非,並且保有內心寬度與韌性,尤其重要, 因此透過這個節目,管理者帶你回歸最原始的自己,活出自己期待的那個健康人生! 讓我們一起自己生命的掌舵,活出健康韌性!👊 主持人Daicen 🪅職護|研究生|雙寶媽 曾經歷過醫療/服務/科技等業種,並籌畫20+大型健促專案、
4 個月前
 • 120 次觀看
酸女孩陪你四季料理 【酸女孩陪你四季料理】酸女孩 x 聲鮮時采科技共同企劃製作 酸女孩創辦人洋蔥媽媽Jean每集訪談一位食物達人,從主廚、中醫師到營養師,與您分享健康四季料理與料理小知識。 酸女孩簡介 台灣第一家以「四季料理」為核心的原創食譜品牌。酸女孩團隊以紙本季刊、天然釀造食品、料理教室,一步步三角架構台灣食品安全教育;我們相信,從內容喚醒飲食意識、從天然食品喚醒味蕾、從實體教育系統扎根,一步步點線面完成台灣天然食品教育的示範藍圖。 ▎料理QA信箱: taitungdessertgirl@gmail.c
Harping in Place; tranquil folk harp by Joan
4 個月前
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Harping in Place; tranquil folk harp by Joan Here is gentle music I play on folk harp in a calming improvisational style perfect for meditation, reading, cuddling, making love, falling asleep, or even just breathing. Namasté ~Joan Patrie. Note: please list
Beth & Friends Surf the Cosmos
4 個月前
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Beth & Friends Surf the Cosmos A podcast of mystical explorations for personal expansion and fun! Beth & her friends ride the cosmic waves of esoteric ideas & practices, sharing them with you for your curiosity and pleasure. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1975
The Anxiety Chicks
5 個月前
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The Anxiety Chicks Alison Seponara, MS, LPC and Taylor Marae MS, RDN are diving deep into a the reality of anxiety and mental health! Listen as Alison and Taylor explore all things anxiety healing while keeping it REAL...including their own struggles with
5 個月前
 • 92 次觀看
護症事務所 兩個不想繼續執業的北漂護理師, 談談日常生活的疑難雜症與白色巨塔的含糖點滴。 趕快訂閱,成為我們的護口吧! 聯絡信箱:whocheng666@gmail.com Instagram : whocheng666 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://player.soundon.fm/p/faa2ec09-21a6-4dfe-956d-eefebdfe8f50 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 年末綜整:第一學期的心得與酸甘甜 出國留學默默也過完三分之一了,感嘆時光飛
The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast
5 個月前
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The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast is dedicated to helping you understand all things related to diet, lifestyle, bone health, and how you can live and thrive with low bone density, osteopenia
讓精油說故事 英國SP 台灣
5 個月前
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讓精油說故事 英國SP 台灣 用聽故事的輕鬆心情了解精油的歷史及故事 並引導你如何正確的使用精油 英國ShirleyPrice台灣 取自於自然的平衡和諧,存在於飄揚空氣的芳香之中 關心妳 https://www.shirleyprice.com.tw 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 讓精油說故事12星座與最佳芳療純質精油 #12星座與最佳芳療純質精油-#射手座 #精油與12星座 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shirley-price-tw/episodes/12-
Rain Sounds
6 個月前
 • 17 次觀看
Rain Sounds https://www.solgood.org - Check out our ad free collection of audiobooks, short stories, & sounds for sleep at our websiteThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https
Root Cause Radio
6 個月前
 • 15 次觀看
Root Cause Radio You deserve to live a life you love and thrive in! We are here to give you the knowledge, tools, and confidence to balance your hormones, master your metabolism, and become the boss of your own body. From thyroid disorders, hormonal imbala
Qiological Podcast
6 個月前
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Qiological Podcast Acupuncture and East Asian medicine was not developed in a laboratory. It does not advance through double-blind controlled studies, nor does it respond well to petri dish experimentation. Our medicine did not come from the statistical re
The Raw Living Podcast
7 個月前
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The Raw Living Podcast Raw Living is Europe's leading raw foods and superfoods supplier, founded 2002. In this podcast founder Kate Magic interviews the people behind some of the world's best and brightest raw food companies to find out more about the food
Äga livet podden
7 個月前
 • 93 次觀看
Äga livet podden Varmt välkommen till Äga livet podden. Här hittar du kunniga terapeuter, rådgivare och vägledare som presenterar olika metoder och kurser som varje terapeut är kunnig inom.Profiler på Äga livet podden är egna företagare och arbetar självst
Pode Relaxar - Bonheur, Amour et Paix by Paulo Figueira
Pode Relaxar - Bonheur, Amour et Paix by Paulo Figueira Dicas de saúde, bem-estar e qualidade de vida para harmonização pessoal e ambiental, com Terapias Complementares (Radiestesia, Radiônica, Florais, Cromoterapia, Musicoterapia e Isochronics, Tarot) e m