@Tony Huang

1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
北港徒步旅行 (續集):北港戲院、北港女兒橋、北港溪鐵橋、空中之橋、北港神社
我們在北港老街徒步旅行, 下午造訪的景點包括: 北港登記所及日式宿舍、原台南區合會北港分公司、大復戲院 (北港座)、北港戲院、公館里彩繪社區)、北港女兒橋)、北港溪鐵橋、北港天空之橋、北港神社社務所暨齋館遺蹟..等。 We hiked in Beigang Old Street. The attractions we visited in the afternoon included: Beigang Registration Office and Japanese-style dormitory, for
宜蘭市最美的日式宿舍建築群,就在舊城南路力行三巷, 包括宜蘭設治紀念館 (舊宜蘭廳廳長官舍) 、宜蘭文學館 (舊宜蘭農林學校校長宿舍)、上善豆家宜蘭店 (舊宜蘭廳庶務課長官舍), 濃郁的日式風情, 讓人有「秒飛日本」的感覺! The most beautiful Japanese-style dormitories in Yilan City are located in Lixing 3rd Lane, Jiucheng South Road, including the Memorial Hall of
[陽明山] 後山公園懷古、羽衣園、草山行館
陽明公園,又稱「後山公園」,前身是日治時代日本人山本義信的「羽衣園」;草山行館,是蔣介石在台灣的第一處總統行館,連同周遭的五棟隨扈宿舍,都已整修完畢,成為「草山微型聚落」,設有各種生活藝文主題館。 Yangming Park, also known as "Houshan Park", was formerly the "Hagoromo Garden" of Japanese Yamamoto Yoshinobu during the Japanese reign era; Caoshan Residen
[陽明山] 尋訪草山溫泉旅館、白雲瀑布、松溪溫泉瀑布
日治時代,草山的溫泉旅館大多集中於今日陽明山的前山公園附近區域。這些旅館都已經消失,我安排了一趟草山溫泉懷舊之旅,尋訪昔日的草山溫泉旅館遺跡。 During the Japanese reign era, most of the hot spring hotels in Caoshan were concentrated in the area near Qianshan Park in Yangmingshan today. These hotels have all disappeared, I arr
全世界唯一建於硫磺口的超大建築物~陽明山 中山樓、草山溫泉露頭
市定古蹟陽明山中山樓,是全世界唯一建於硫磺口的超大建築物,開放參觀,每天四個場次,也有機會造訪著名草早溫泉最大的溫泉露頭,就位於中山樓園區內。 Yangmingshan Zhongshan Hall, a city-desinated historic site, is the only super-large building built in sulfur outcrop in the world. It is open for visits, and there are four sessions a
[陽明山] 新完工!半嶺水圳步道上游段,祕境松溪瀑布,輕鬆抵達!
半嶺水圳步道上游段全新完工,變成五星級步道,以前只有登山客造訪的訪祕境松溪瀑布,現在大人、小朋友可以輕輕鬆鬆、安全的造訪了。 The upstream section of the Banling Trail has been newly completed and has become a five-star trail. Songxi Waterfall, a secret attraction only visited by mountaineers before, can now be visite
2023年台灣燈會11公里徒步旅行 (Taiwan Lantern Festival)
有史以來最具規模的台灣燈會, 創下單日100萬參觀人次記錄, 我以徒步旅行的方式, 造訪今年台灣燈會。我看的不是燈會, 而是歲月。 The largest Taiwan Lantern Festival in history has set a record of 1 million visitors in a single day. I visited the four major exhibition areas of this year's Taiwan Lantern Festival by way
新整修完工, 老少咸宜~電火圳生態步道 (台中市石岡區)
台中市石岡區電火圳生態步道,全長2.5公里,從步道起點的八寶圳閘門口通往社寮角發電廠,沿著日治時代1921年完工的電火圳而行,全線平緩好走,是一條老少咸宜的水圳步道。 The Dianhuozhen Ecological Trail in Shigang District, Taichung City, with a total length of 2.5 kilometers, starts from the Babaozhen Sluice at the beginning of the trail t
大甲老街之旅,造訪大甲鎮瀾宮、林氏貞孝坊、大甲文昌祠、志賀哲太郎紀念室、北門福德祠等歷史古蹟及景點。 During the tour of Dajia Old Street, we visit Dajia Zhenlan Temple, Lin's Chastity Archway, Dajia Wenchang Temple, Shiga Tetaro Memorial Room, Beimen
10公里竹科徒步旅行, 造訪靜心湖、金山寺、台積電、風空聚落、風空伯公祠、開山伯公祠、新竹市第一老的300歲老樟樹。 A 10-kilometer hike in Hsinchu Science Park, visiting Jingsin Lake, Jinshan Temple, TSMC, Fengkong village, Fengkong Bogong Temple, Kaishan B
苗栗三灣徒步旅行~「龍峎頂」(不會唸) 步道、火炎山 (不是小百岳)
三灣徒步旅行,造訪「樟之細路」之一的龍峎頂步道、三灣火炎山、三灣老街、覡姊醫生娘祠、渡船頭古道等景點。 Hiking in Sanwan, visit Liungˇ -gien- dangˋ Trail, one of the "Raknus Selu Trail", Sanwan Huoyan Mountain, Sanwan Old Street, Witch Doctor's Templ
2022黑豹旗高中棒球大賽~麗山福來喜, 喜晉64強!
2022年中信盃黑豹旗全國高中棒球大賽開打,麗山高中首戰擊敗新店高中,順利晉級黑豹旗64強! The 2022 CTBC Cup Black Panther Flag National High School Baseball Tournament start the competition. Lishan High School defeated Xindian High School in the first g
雨中「雞」景—台灣小百岳~基隆山 (雞籠山) Mt. Keelung
40年的老朋友回台灣, 相約爬基隆山。天公不作美, 遇到下雨天。風雨無阻,順利登頂台灣小百岳—基隆山。山頂霧茫茫,老友相見歡。 A 40-year-old friend returned to Taiwan from the United States and made an appointment with us to climb Keelung Mountain. Although th
國防砲陣地運動公園、桃園國際機場飛機巷 (桃園市大園區)
一個讓小朋友可以體驗國軍500公尺障礙設施訓練的運動公園, 也可以觀看飛機降落桃園國際機場。附近的飛機巷,更可以近距離觀看飛機從頭頂飛過的特殊景象。 A sports park where children can experience the training of the National Army's 500-meter obstacle course, and
家園依舊在,只是容顏改~「桃園航空城」徒步旅行 (Taoyuan Aviation City Hiking)
11公里「桃園航空城」徒步旅行,我用影像記錄即將消逝的風景。 11 kilometers travel by walking to "Taoyuan Aviation City", I recorded the disappearing scenery with video. 本次旅行的交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結: (Please refer to the following Google M
陽明山國家公園~十八彎古道 (旅聯網18週年登山活動) Shibawan Historical Trail
參加一年一度的旅聯網登山活動,今年是旅聯網18週年,我們造訪位於陽明山國家公園的十八彎古道。 I participated in the annual mountaineering activity of the Waytogo Website. This year is the 18th anniversary of the Waytogo Website. We visited the Shibawan His
秀巒軍艦岩、屯野生步道~好山好水好溫泉 (Battleship Rock)
秀巒軍艦岩位於新竹縣尖石鄉泰崗溪與白石溪合流處,附近也是著名的秀巒野溪溫泉。過軍艦岩吊橋後,銜接屯野生步道,這是日治時代的隘勇線,步道沿途有隘勇監督所及砲陣地遺跡。 Xiuluan Battle Rock is located at the confluence of Taigang River and Baishi River in Jia
芃芃野溪溫泉+牛鬥、清水湖、天送埤~三座火車站 (Hot Spring)
一處容易造訪、CP值超高的野溪溫泉——芃芃野溪溫泉。步行不到30分鐘,就能親近野溪溫泉,還有清涼消暑的芃芃溪。 A wild creek hot spring that is easy to visit and has a high CP value - Bongbong Hot Spring. Within less than 30-minute walk, you can get close to
登峰圳+內雙溪古道+瑪礁古道環狀悠遊 (陽明山國家公園)
陽明山國家公園水圳、溪流、古道、森林浴消暑清涼健行路線。 Irrigation canal, streams, historical trails, forest bathing and refreshing hiking routes. a cool hiking route in Yangmingshan National Park . 本次旅行的交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結: (Pleas